messy-go-round 05: cribs-a-mess

crib, playpen, baby, kids

i have this annoying habit (it is my mum who gets annoyed the most, but i simply love doing it! ;)) of scattering all the stuffs in my crib/playpen including my toys, the beddings, my comforter, the pillows + just about anything else that you can find in my crib. i simply delight in seeing them in topsy-turvy or sometimes, piled up in heaps on my bedroom floor. mum would painstakingly re-arrange everything afterwards, then i’d come scattering them again the next second. oh well, kids are probably just like that. we love to experiment, we love to get our tiny, chubby hands into anything we can grab + take a hold of. it’s so much fun! ;D

my mess actually look a little decent in this photo, really? haha!

mess is fun! how about you what have you been messing lately? 😀



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  1. HI Jared! That’s okay sweetie because my sister Roey scatters a lot too! She would throw away all the pillows and blankets so she can climb up the chair. I’ll introduce her to you some day. Thanks for joining MGR!

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