play your way to donate free rice

“About a billion people in the world are hungry…
This is one [problem] we 
absolutely have the wherewithal, 
the manpower, 
the food, 
the facilities 
to actually 
      David Letterman
it is good to note that, for this year, the number of hungry people on earth went down for the first time in five years, but it is simply not good enough. still over 925 million of peoply, and it is sad to note that most of them are children, still go to bed hungry. 
the good part is that you can help end hunger in your own small way without even having to leave your doorsteps, and if you’ve got a little more time to spare this holiday season, why not try these activites and give the gift of food?
the world food programme has outlined some fun things you can do to help alleviate hunger in the world:
1. you can test your hunger IQ and feed a child in the process, challenge your friends and send them invites as well to help feed more children
2. simply click this link to world food programme on facebook and join them to show your support and be updated with their current efforts to end world hunger.
3. you can also go to free rice and play their english vocabulary game and donate 10 grains of rice for each answer you get correctly. you can also download the free rice toolbar and learn other ways to earn more rice for donation.
there are other fun and easy way to help alleviate and totally erase hunger from our world. i dream that one day when my son is older, no man, woman, or child will go to bed hungry…
what are you waiting for, head on to their site and start earning those rice for donations, i sure am!

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  1. fun with a cause! i love the sound of that. shall play my way then to help alleviate hunger 🙂

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