just a head’s up mummies, this event will be moved to february 06 from its original schedule of february 13, so update those organizers and don’t be left out..freebies are up for grabs for the first 100 attendees!
who: dear ParenTIN members
what: I Love My Family!
when: February 13, 2011, 2-6pm
where: Podium Mall
and in line with the activities on this special day, there is a pre-event online contest that could qualify three lucky mummies for a total makeover during the event. for the mechanics, to learn more about the event or to become a parenTIN.tv member, do visit parenTIN.tv
see you there:)
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I will sure pay the site a visit. Thanks for posting about it here 🙂
Congratulations on your Stylish Blogger Award by the way!
you're welcome…thank:)
you're welcome…thank:)