i remember earth hour last year, i was a tad smaller back then, only 7 months (i’ll check with mum if she can upload an old photo of me)…
one saturday in march, my tito + titas turned off all the lights in the house + lit some candles as we huddle up in my tiny room (we’ve changed rooms since then). tita explained that it was for the earth hour and people around the world is doing the same to show their love + support for mother earth. we enjoyed watching the dancing flames from the candles as we played around + the grown ups swapping stories (in between taking turns to fan me of course, as i sweat easily especially in my forehead + back when it is hot) while the hour ticked by. i remember too, that mum has to go to work that day (she constantly hated leaving the house + leaving me behind to go to work), she has not resigned yet! she was irked at the office, she told us when she got home, because they didn’t participated in the earth hour, most of the rest of that area in makati was stark dark except for their office. she wondered if her bosses were from some other planet that they didn’t bother to do something for mother earth. mummy said everyone must do his share. am glad i am doing my part too!
this year, on march 26th, from 8.30pm – 9.30pm, it’s time again to turn off our lights for earth hour. + i was delighted to learn that my best friend, pocoyo, is also participating (see his cute earth hour badge? maybe you can put that on your blog to serve as reminder, just like what i did!). fun earth hour stuffs are available in his site. you can download videos, screensavers, wallpapers + this cool earth hour related activity book that features our other friend, panda. maybe i can ask mum to print that out so i can practice coloring + try out the puzzles too!
i do hope that awfully uncaring boss of my mum will partake this time around, after all mummy earth is the only one we’ve got, i don’t understand their unconcern. i’d also ask mum to light more candles. maybe we’d take photos + blow huge bubbles or watch the fireflies in my window or the moon (if in case it decides to participate too)!
i am so looking forward to it! it’d be fun.
~ jared ~
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