friday fill-ins 2011.12


And…here we go!

1. Why does it always seem like time flies way too fast.

2. facebook is equal to unfinished posts here .

3. My favorite breakfast includes milk + cereals or i can do with a hash brown or two.

4. harry potter was the last book I read when i was pregnant.

5. I am SO glad jared’s bowel woes are over.

6. someone arriving with ready-made dinner would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching a film with my son here at home, tomorrow my plans include resting, resting + more resting and Sunday, I want to go to the mall or anywhere just to be out!

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  1. I can relate, time passes by way too quickly these days.

    Facebook is evil! LOL 😀

    Harry Potter is one of my favorite series of books, I love re-reading them over and over and I love the audio books too.. 🙂

    Take out food is always awesome. 🙂

    Have a great weekend! 🙂

    My FFI's are here. 🙂

  2. I can relate, time passes by way too quickly these days.

    Facebook is evil! LOL 😀

    Harry Potter is one of my favorite series of books, I love re-reading them over and over and I love the audio books too.. 🙂

    Take out food is always awesome. 🙂

    Have a great weekend! 🙂

    My FFI's are here. 🙂

  3. I hear you about Facebook. It's so much easier to log in and post a two sentence status than do the full blown blog post. Too bad I can't import my FB posts into my blog anymore.

    Sorry I am so late; busy weekend! My answers are over at The Philosophy of Chairs.

  4. I hear you about Facebook. It's so much easier to log in and post a two sentence status than do the full blown blog post. Too bad I can't import my FB posts into my blog anymore.

    Sorry I am so late; busy weekend! My answers are over at The Philosophy of Chairs.

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