kids in doodles: my first trick or treat

trick or treat, halloween, kids, toddlers, kids in doodles
not really what you'd call a costume...

last week, mum + I {while dad waited in the car :)} went to my first ever trick or treat. but, no, i was not wearing any costumes as i am a little squirmy to wear one + mum seem to think i was still very little for one. so, i just wore my favorite white muscle shirt + topped it with a hand-me-down polo {from my kuya sean} + paired them with my new shorts {we got this one when we went for my haircut 2 weeks’ back}. it was my boy-next-door look mum said 🙂

trick or treat, halloween, kids, toddlers, kids in doodles

when we got to the place, it was swarming with little kids in scary costumes + weird make-ups. i was scare with this particular kid wearing a scream mask. it was really scary so i was careful not to stand too close beside him. besides he was really trying to scare me by staring at me + trying to call me so i’d go near him! hah! no way 😀

the afternoon was filled with fun + laughter. plus it was also a whole new experience for me to go around tita‘s office for trick or treat. i am not much into candies since i don’t really eat most of them, so it was mum who’d get all my treats {+ get to eat them in when we got home too! :)}

Trick or treat, kids, Kids in doodles, play, halloween

there were games, + prizes, too,  for the bigger kids + a pair of clowns even arrived to entertain us, perform some magic + made some balloons. i got a balloon sword but i accidentally squashed it against the car so it popped!

Trick or treat, kids in doodles
with tita's officemates + the clowns 😛

everybody enjoyed the afternoon, i did, too. even if i was not able to participate in the games since i am still a bit smaller. snacks were also given away along with prizes for best in costume {for one girl + one boy}.

maybe, next year, i will be more interested in the treats + the parlour games + who knows mum might even convince me to wear a wizard or a russell {from up!} costume!

this is my kids in doodles story for this week, what’s yours? tell + link up with us here 🙂

K.I.D., Kids In Doodles

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my colorful halloween

halloween, toddler, kids, colorful things

although I skip on a scary costume again this year, it does not make my halloween less colorful or fun. i still managed to go out + had fun with other kids in our trick or treat {check out my post here} adventure.

apart from that I also managed to have some photos taken with some colorful clowns, just like in this photo here:

halloween, kids, colorful things

i also went home with loads of these colorful treats!

hallooween, kids, colorful things

all in all, it was a great halloween celebration + i look forward to another trick or treat {+ maybe, a costume or two!} next year! 🙂

i hope your halloween is as colorful as mine! happy halloween! 🙂

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strolling at the park

family time, toddlers, play

i wish it was an actual park, but we have yet to visit a nearby park on a free afternoon + this one is actually the outdoor park of the mall we went to last week to have my hair cut. after we got tired of all the rushing people inside the mall, we went out to the uncovered mini park to walk a bit more + see the greenery there. too bad the fountain + the mini pond is being cleaned that day so i was not able to see jets of water or any  fish swimming around. maybe it will all be up + running the next time we visit.

apart from strolling, we also ate at one of mum’s favorite place. i only had a few spoonfuls of the japanese rice + mango shake she ordered since i am too busy wanting to walk around, with mum + dad chasing after me.

we also hopped from one shop after another, not really buying much but just window shopping. mum wanted to get me something for halloween but did not find any costume that she think i’d wear, so it left me with nothing to wear for thursday’s trick or treat at tita cel’s office. we also marvel at the lovely christmas decorations + trees that are on display this early.

too bad we do not have much photos taken. i guess i was such a handful that mum + dad really has no time for anything else. oh well, maybe we’d take more pictures on our next family time ;D

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kids in doodles: my new haircut

 hair cut, kids in doodles, toddler

everyone will be quick to notice that my hair has really grown so long over a few months {i had my last haircut in may}, that some people even mistook me for a girl because of it. i guess, i cannot blame them. my hair grows so fast in a few months that we have not been to the salon 🙂

lucky for me {+ to end my discomfort of having long hair falling into my eyes}, we were able to go out for a haircut last thursday. mum + dad brought me to the place where i got my very first haircut {i also had my last haircut there}.

compared to my very first haircut {where i was very well-behaved + actually enjoyed the experience}, i was actually up on my toes the minute the barber touched my hair. i did not like the feeling of having a total stranger touched my hair, let alone spray some water in it + cut it. using the razor is probably the worst thing he’d ever done. i was clutching my mum the minute i heard the buzzing sound.

i was actually hugging my mum all the while. the barney video helped a bit to make me relax, but i guess what finally made me let my hair down are the bubbles that a lady helper made for my entertainment 🙂 you know how much i love bubbles, right?

all in all, it was a pleasant experience + i was very comfy after all the extra hair is gone. mum + dad failed to take some decent photos while my hair was being cut though as i was throwing a tantrum + mum was so occupied holding me in place while dad was busy trying to entertain me 🙂

this is my kids in doodles story for the week, join us and share your stories, too!

Kids In Doodles

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my other shape-sorter toy

toys, play, kids, toy stories

this is a hand-me-down toy from my tita belle, which was first handed down to my cousins, sean + shane, + probably, even, my tito ken, when he is just a toddler 🙂 tita belle told me to take care of it as she will be handing it down to her future children, too!

this toy is actually 20 years old or more, as this used to be my tita’s toy when she was just a little girl. it was gifted to her by one of her ninangs one christmas.

this toy is a shape-sorter, that mum + her siblings fondly called “shape-o”. it has shapes like a circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, cross, among other shapes. i do not recognize most of them yet, since i only enjoy scattering them on the floor or forcing a shape into an entirely different slot {i am successful as some point!:) }, but am sure mum will teach me how to play it well soon when i am ready!

this is my toy stories share for the week, care to share yours?

Shopping Bag


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