kids in doodles: my new haircut

 hair cut, kids in doodles, toddler

everyone will be quick to notice that my hair has really grown so long over a few months {i had my last haircut in may}, that some people even mistook me for a girl because of it. i guess, i cannot blame them. my hair grows so fast in a few months that we have not been to the salon 🙂

lucky for me {+ to end my discomfort of having long hair falling into my eyes}, we were able to go out for a haircut last thursday. mum + dad brought me to the place where i got my very first haircut {i also had my last haircut there}.

compared to my very first haircut {where i was very well-behaved + actually enjoyed the experience}, i was actually up on my toes the minute the barber touched my hair. i did not like the feeling of having a total stranger touched my hair, let alone spray some water in it + cut it. using the razor is probably the worst thing he’d ever done. i was clutching my mum the minute i heard the buzzing sound.

i was actually hugging my mum all the while. the barney video helped a bit to make me relax, but i guess what finally made me let my hair down are the bubbles that a lady helper made for my entertainment 🙂 you know how much i love bubbles, right?

all in all, it was a pleasant experience + i was very comfy after all the extra hair is gone. mum + dad failed to take some decent photos while my hair was being cut though as i was throwing a tantrum + mum was so occupied holding me in place while dad was busy trying to entertain me 🙂

this is my kids in doodles story for the week, join us and share your stories, too!

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my other shape-sorter toy

toys, play, kids, toy stories

this is a hand-me-down toy from my tita belle, which was first handed down to my cousins, sean + shane, + probably, even, my tito ken, when he is just a toddler 🙂 tita belle told me to take care of it as she will be handing it down to her future children, too!

this toy is actually 20 years old or more, as this used to be my tita’s toy when she was just a little girl. it was gifted to her by one of her ninangs one christmas.

this toy is a shape-sorter, that mum + her siblings fondly called “shape-o”. it has shapes like a circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, cross, among other shapes. i do not recognize most of them yet, since i only enjoy scattering them on the floor or forcing a shape into an entirely different slot {i am successful as some point!:) }, but am sure mum will teach me how to play it well soon when i am ready!

this is my toy stories share for the week, care to share yours?

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tracfone for kids on christmas

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TracFone. All opinions are 100% mine.


halloween is due in a few more days + christmas is just around the corner. i bet, this early, mums + dads are busy planning + taking down notes of what to buy their kiddos as gifts. i wonder what mum is planning to get for me 😉 

do you think she will get me one of those Tracfones for the holidays? i heard those are good + it won’t hurt to have one. here let me count the ways why mum should get me one:

  • tracfone costs very little so mum can get me one so we can stay in touch
  • for the budget-savvy mums, this brand offers the least expensive way of owning a mobile phone. perfect for kiddos like me!
  • It will be a great way to keep in touch with my loved ones, at a steal
  • mum can also reach me where ever i may be, since it has a nationwide coverage + excellent connectivity
  • mum can even choose mobile phone units with video/camera recorder + mp3 players from famous brands, for only $29.99!

i bet mum will love this so much she might just get one for herself + dad, too. + if mama + papa were around, maybe will get them one, too as tracfone also has excellent Senior Value. but, on second thought, i have no need for one yet as i normally stay where mum stays + goes where she does, that we are in touch 24/7 + we can Get into Everywhereness anytime we want to.

oh well, maybe when i am a bit bigger then, say 3 christmasses from now, probably? 😉

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