fun kiddie morning ritual

we have added a fun addition to our usual morning ritual. apart from mum greeting me a good morning {which i tried to return as best as i can – am still learning how to say “good morning” so i say something that sounds much like it, to greet my mum in return} coupled with a few kisses here + there, i included elmo + aslan to the ritual, so mum has to greet + kiss them both, too! 🙂

aside from our kiss + greet, this beautiful abc song from elmo + india arie is also a part of our morning ritual. am learning to say my abc’s + even if i can’t pronounce all the letter of the alphabet just yet, i can finish this song 🙂

good morning one + all, care to share your favorite morning ritual ? 😛

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kids in doodles: jared + the christmas display


Christmas, toddlers, Kids in doodles

2 saturdays ago mum + i went to sm pampanga’s unveiling of their beautiful christmas display, that includes replicas of world famous landmarks like the eiffel tower in paris, the gondola in venice and the statue of liberty in the us + a lot more. i totally enjoyed playing with the colorful confetti + posing at every display while my tita jinky took a lot of photos + mum happily looked on 🙂

kids in doodles, toddler, play, christmas

can you tell am having a grand time?

kids in doodles, play, toddlers, christmas

i even posed with some of my new-found ates + kuyas who were also taking some snaps at the cool display.

it is your turn to share your kids in doodles story, check here on how we play this game 🙂

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mum + me

mommy + me, kids style

here’s another shot from our christmas weekend, this time it is mum + me at the christmas wall. we were not able to get a print out of our photos from the photobooth {too bad, ’cause tita jinky was in those photos :(} , so we decided to take a few shots of our own to add to our growing picture collection.

christmas, weekend

i was wearing my yellow + black mossimo shirt that was gifted to me by my tita for my 2nd birthday. mum paired it with the blue denim shorts we got from greenhills + my comfortable brown sandals.

the grown ups said it’s quite difficult to take photographs of me ’cause i tend to move around a lot, but i guess i passed this time around. i even managed a shy smile. what do you think? 🙂

you can check out the story + rest of my photos here 🙂

sharing this thru mommy and me and:

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