a colorful christmas weekend

colorful things, weekend, toddlers

there are still 34 days before the much-awaited holiday of all, but christmas started earlier this year when we went to the mall two weeks ago + saw all those beautiful christmas ornaments + lovely display. we couldn’t help it, mum + i posed at every landmard 😀

toddlers, play, christmas, colorful things, weekend

check out these cool installations at sm city in pampanga! you will see the big ben from the uk + the lovely windmills of the netherlands, + a whole lot more.

christmas, weekend, colorful things, toddlersa chorale group sang beautiful yuletide songs + i saw a lot of kids as well! even santa came to visit + gave out presents to lucky special children of one of the sped schools in the province. very neat, right?

my tita jinky took loads of photos which will be posted here soon, too! my weekend couldn’t get more colorful than this, how’s yours? 🙂

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this little corner is now pr1

PR Check

am not sure what it means but mum was really happy that my little corner is now pr1, so i guess it ought to be good 🙂 it would not have been possible without you, our dear readers, who continuously visit this blog + leave your comments. also, to everyone who’s joining our weekly meme + to mommy willa + her smart boys for lending me their meme, loads of virtual hugs + thank you’s to all of you 😀

mum + i will be out later to go to a bazaar in the city, i am not sure if she will buy me anything, but there will be lots of stuffs for babies + kids there i heard, so i guess we’ll see…

well, that’s it for the mean time. got to catch some more zzzzz. have a fun saturday you all 🙂

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christmas has officially started at home

christmas, holidays

christmas has officially started at home two sundays ago, a bit early if you ask me, but mum had a bit of a downtime so she was able to fix our christmas tree, with the help of my tita, of course. i guess it took them only a few minutes to fix the tree. ours is quite a tall tree at 6 feet but it was surprisingly easy to put up.

christmas, holidays

mum put the tree just under our stairs in front of the fridge, as there are no other space available to accommodate it, since we’ve got quite a limited space here compared to our old house.

mum + dad bought our tree last year, along with the blue + silver balls, blue christmas lights + other ornaments. mum said we need to add more ornaments to add a bit of color to it. what do you think?

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