jared vs pooh

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my favorite things, weekend, children's apparel, kids clothingmy favorite things, children's apparel, kids clothing

i don’t think i stand a chance + i won’t even try it! just look at how big + heavy winnie the pooh is!it would be very easy for him to crush me or throw me away somewhere! πŸ˜€

i wouldn’t pass on the chance at having my photo taken beside him, though. + Β i am glad i came across him when we were out in the mall last sunday + also, that mum remembered to pack our camera into our bag πŸ™‚

Β my favorite things, children's apparel, kids clothing,

this was taken outside a toy store. just look at how delighted i was to see pooh!Β i am wearing my brown striped shirt from big + small co., matched with my blue/tan Florsheim sandals, which i both wore last christmas, together with my good old pair of denim shorts {which mum got from greenhillsΒ last year}.

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  1. awww! what a handsome Jared is Mommy, he is gotten so big, cute pictures with Pooh too πŸ™‚ Visiting from Thursday Brownies, hope that you can return the visit too.

    1. kids in doodles is every monday mommy + the linky closes on sunday night. hope you can join us this week. mum is still writing our post πŸ™‚

  2. how to win against pooh bear? just tickle his belly! i’m sure it will drive him crazy! πŸ™‚

    see you this week for another round of Kids’ Style!

  3. handsome boy…cute! mukhang enjoy sya kay pooh at nice ng porma, galing ng choices ni mommy. πŸ™‚ visiting late from Thursday Brownies, hope you can visit me back. thanks and have a great week. πŸ™‚

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