mickey mouse is one of my favorite characters since i was very little, but it was only recently that i discovered about the mickey mouse clubhouse + i am hooked! mum + i were watching videos on youtube at first + after a while, when she realized that i have grown to love this new program, i guess, she downloaded a couple of episodes onto the computer for me to watch 🙂
now my days always jump starts with watching a few of these episodes. i now recognized most of the characters in the show, including mickey, daisy, pluto, goofy + pete. i still have to work on pronouncing their names, though. apart from being entertaining, what with all the dancing, the colorful things+ the singing, we also loved that they are educational. i bet mum will just let me watch them over again since i can learn something from them. yesterday, she saw me dancing to the hotdog dance + she was so delighted 🙂
mum took some of my photos while i was watching + i guess you can really tell that i am enjoying mickey + his gang loads! 😀
what is your kids in doodles share for this week? do link up with us + visit as many participant as you like 🙂
My daughter loves mickey mouse too but she is so hooked up now with tom and jerry grrr. Visiting from KIDS.
hi buddy! I’m a mickey fan too. the show is really fun and educational.. i suggest to watch also the Word World in Disney Channel coz it’s fun too..
dropping for KnD
i love mickey mouse clubhouse too! 🙂
ayiiii, that’s simon’s favorite too! we just recently discovered that. i love to see my boys watching it because they sing with the gang when they watch the Mickey Mouse Club.
we’ll be a little bit late for KID, jared, but we’ll definitely join this week.
have a great week!
joining again mommy…himala early pa..
have a nice day ahead! 🙂
welcome to the clubhouse! 🙂 it’s fun, yeah?