more haircut photos

children's haircut

i guess if you’ve been visiting my blog for a while now you’d know that i am not too fond of haircuts + anything that buzzes! haircuts are usually filled with episodes + scenes that i bet i’d just laugh at if in case mum would tell me about it when i am older 😀

just picture me refusing to sit on the car-chair, dodging the razor + the scissors + trying to distract the poor barber all at the same time.

children's haircut

our last trip to the kiddie salon was no exception. i was fidgety + panicky as usual + mum tried all the tricks on her sleeves to keep me still until all the overgrown hair is cut! 🙂  i simply refuse to sit in the chair that i ended up sitting on mum’s lap while they cut my hair.

children's haircut

they tried all forms of entertainment available to no avail, until kuya ronald {that’s my barber for the day} switched on the tellie + played cars. lightning mcqueen is one of my most favorite + he will always have my undivided attention at any given time. it was a good thing the tricks works all the time. if i get tired of mcqueen, mum + the salon staff would have to think of a new trick to keep me still while they cut my hair 😀

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kids in doodles: my new doggie backpack Full Online Preschool - Kindergarten

sorry for the delay in this week’s kids in doodles, i was busy watching mickey mouse clubhouse episodes + cars 2 videos on youtube this morning that mum was not able to post this on time.

anyway, before i post about my doodle story for this week, i would just like to say that the kids in doodles giveaway is open for another week to give more chance for other meme participants to join in the rafflecopter widget. + can i just repeat that this giveaway is only open to all kids in doodles participants {those who have actually included their meme entry on our linkies from the first week up to last week of  january!} this is our way of saying “thank you” for always participating. + to make it even more exciting, anyone who participated last month are all qualified, regardless of their numbers of participation. so, to all my playmates, check out the rafflecopter widget in our kids in doodles giveaway post + send in your entries. good luck 🙂

with that out of the way, here goes my doodle share for this week 🙂

kids in doodles

children's backpacks, my favorite things, kids in doodles, kids

mum got me this very cute doggie skiphop backpack as a late christmas present. she won an e-bay gift certificate from one of the numerous giveaways she joined + got me this last month.  she said i’d be going to school very soon + now is the right time to practice using a backpack.

children's backpacks, kids in doodles, my favorite things, kids

although i haven’t road test this backpack yet, i was able to play with it the day it arrives. what do you think of my new bag?

i particularly loved its blue/green combination + since i’m also fond of animals, i also love its doggie design. who wouldn’t, right? 🙂

kids in doodles, my favorite things, children's backpack, kids

now, it is your turn to share your kids in doodles stories with us. just post anything that shows the little ones in action + you’re all set. don’t forget to visit other participants, too, to make this even more fun, right? ;D

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january top commenter

top commenters, announcement

thank you so much for my top commenter for the month of january.  your comments sure are a source of delight for me + my mum + we look forward to reading them each time. i hope you always include my blog whenever you bloghop + mum makes sure to do the same 😀

MaiMai (9)Top Commentator Award

jeromejames jeromejames (5)Top Commentator Award
Little Zoie's Steps Little Zoie’s Steps (4)
Mommy Jes Mommy Jes (4)
zoan zoan (4)
Iris by Shengkay Iris by Shengkay (3)
Jessica Cassidy Jessica Cassidy (3)
Olga Olga (3)
XyeXyrus XyeXyrus (3)

the top 2 commenter’s badge {Mai kindly send in a code for your badge, thanks :)} will be up on my sidebar the entire month of february as a little token of our thanks. hope to see you in this corner again…^_^

thank you image is not mine

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