for this week’s kids in doodles, am sharing one of my own doodles. mind you it is not so often that i’d sit in front of my doodle pad, with a pencil or a crayon in hand to doodle the time away. if you will see how my usual day goes by you would know that i am mostly tinkering with my matchbox cars or reading one of my books Β or comic books or other toys that i own or busy watching my new favorite dvd, rather than spending time playing with my school stuff.
do not get me wrong, i love my school stuff + i am thrilled that mum got me some, maybe they just have to grow on me a little bit more or sometimes they just fail to win my attention since a lot of other shiny things are competing against them. anyway am sure when i am a bit bigger i will be able to spend more time with books + school supplies than with my toys, so i will just enjoy it! π
for this particular doodle, i simply played with my orange crayon! i like the color orange, i have a shirt in this color + it reminds me so much of carrots! + i can pronounce those two words now, so i guess it makes orange one of my faves! hopefully carrots will also grow on me soon π

time to share your doodles with us. check out the fun rules of our games + the cute badges here. do not forget to visit as many participants as you can, right? + oh, by the way, since mum is also trying to use those little buttons above + below your posts so she can share your posts on facebook, twitter + other social media sites, do find time to add those in your blogs will you? i will also appreciate if you’d share my posts, too! also the linkie for kid in doodles for last week will still be open for roughly two more days, so might as well join in there, too, if you haven’t already, ayt? π
way to go jared! that’s a great start! sent you and mummy vix a postcard. hope you receive it soon! have a great week ahead!!!
that’s ok, jared, because when you get older, you’ll spend more time in front your pad, pencil and more books! π
just have fun this time.