one of my favorite things to do now is to play with stars, mum loves making them + placing them in bottles to be displayed in our home + while she busied herself with one of her favorite pastimes, i preoccupy myself with her finish products. here you’ll see me placing the little stars in this plastic bottle container. now i’ve moved on to pouring them from one bottle to another, one different container to the next. sure is a lot of fun! plus mum said it also keeps my little hands busy + helps me to work on my motor skills, so i guess it’s all good! 🙂

apart from counting them up + aiming to shoot them onto the plastic bottle, i also enjoy scattering them on the floor + retrieving them one by one with my mum. they might end up all over the floor + underneath the sofa, but we enjoy picking them up + keeping them in their container afterwards 😉

so what unsuspecting objects are you playing at home now? do share them with us, along with your doodle stories, too. don’t forget to put one of our kids in doodles badges on your post + visit the other players, too! a great weekend ahead everyone + i shall wait for your entries 😉