we have not gone out much for the last 2 weeks because of the bad weather. it was a good thing the sun finally came out of its hiding place + chased the rain away. finally mum + i were able to go out last saturday. the timing is quite perfect as the activefun voucher mum purchased a few months back is about to expire in a few days. so off we went for one afternoon of playtime fun! 😀
we enjoyed the experience very much, as usual, even if there were too many children in the play area at the time + it was so noisy because of a party that is taking place on the other side of the place. mum also had a great time giving the slide a go! 😀
unfortunately our camera ran out of battery that day. the only photos mum managed to snap are these ones where i posted in front of the batman poster, which we passed by on our way to activefun. sorry if the photos are a tad blurry! we were not able to catch this film yet, i just hope the weather continues to get better so we can go out again while it is still showing in cinemas.
what are your doodle stories for this week? do not forget to join us + include one of the badges found here. i’ll look forward to your entries, right? oh, + by the way, you might also like to check out our let’s celebrate august giveaway while you’re here 😉
hi jared, i would love to pose with batman too, and watch the movie, would you like to watch with me? my post is up already
i’d love to watch it with you buddy, but mum reckons the movie is not for little kids like me 🙁
looks you had a great time buddy 🙂 i joined ur giveaway and hope i can win one of the prizes
i actually did, tita! 😀 thank you for joining + i wish you win one of the items up for grabs! 😉
Hope the weather there is getting better na my lil boy. No more rain so that you can go out much often. we haven’t seen yet this movie and I’m sure this is a nice movie bec. it’s batman:)
am glad the weather is getting better, tita, hopefully it stays that way until the end of the month! 😀
your snaps are really nice do not want to ask sorry. my daughter also like batman and also i like the rainy season in which we can enjoy a lot.
thanks for remembering me about the badges and stories.