b is for ball

my favorite things, toys, balls

ball is probably one of my favorite toys in the world! i can have endless hours of fun just by throwing balls around the house or shooting them in the hoop, using this basketball playset that my ninang jackie gifted me for christmas. if you’ve been here on my corner on occasions, am sure you’ve read a number of posts about balls. they are, after all, a little guy’s best friend. remember that cool barney song? 😉

my favorite things, toys, balls

i enjoy playing ball in many ways: throwing them around, playing with  my mum and making use of our screen door as a make-shift goal when i wanted to play soccer! but one of my most favorite will have to be swimming in a pool of balls whenever mum brings me to a play area in the city! check my post about my recent trip to activefun here.

balls, my favorite things, toys

i hope you like my recent photos having a ball!

enjoy + have a great day ahead! 🙂

sharing this with ABC Wednesday

image credit goes out to tita moi for the first photo! 🙂

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Neutral Color Choices for a Baby’s Room

children's beddings, beddings, baby

With a little one on the way, there is no detail of the baby’s room a parent won’t consider carefully. Everything from the baby bedding to the door knobs is sure to be carefully appraised. One of the key decorating choices is the color of the walls, furniture and fabrics of the room. While parents want to give their child’s room personality, reselling a home with powerful colors may prove challenging. However, careful thought can lead parents to colors that are easy to change and appropriate for a child’s room.

Bedding is a key means to introduce color into a room without changing the room itself. Consider solid colors and textured fabrics to add zest to a baby’s room. For more flare, animal print bedding has become popular in recent years. For children who are a little older and have favorite movies and tv-shows, story-time bedding is another option for adding personality to a child’s room.

Painting the furniture or changing door and drawer knobs can dramatically alter the character of a room. Traditionally, boys’ rooms are colored blue or green, while girls’ rooms can be pink or yellow. However, there are no hard rules, and parents are encouraged to choose colors that please their children. Hardware in the room, whether on doors, windows or furniture, can provide an important accent to the colors on the walls and bedding as well.

Parents should focus on the bedding and furniture of a baby’s room for the best decorative results. Changing the color of walls can add much character, but risks making the room non-neutral and more difficult to sell. However, the furniture and baby bedding can be used to add character to a room without altering the room itself.

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kids in doodles: my lightning mcqueen bike

kids in doodles, my favorite things, lightning mcqueen, playtime

apologies that we’re posting kids in doodles rather late this week. i’ve been busy watching all these wonderful cartoons mum has downloaded for me she does not have time to upload any of her blogs in the morning. oh well, now that mum’s updating this blog, it only means that i am off to zzzz land faraway! 😉

oh well, before everything else, here’s a round up of last week’s doodles:

1. vince cris paul turns 4!

2. check out the burritos’ precious moment’s nativity scene project

3. here are a few more christmas photos from maithankfulheart

thank you for joining guys + hope to see you again here soon!

kids in doodles, my favorite things, lightning mcqueen, playtime

that out the way, on to our doodle story for this week. i got this lightning mcqueen bike for my third birthday. it was given by my tita jinky, tita cecille + tito ken. i was so excited to ride it the first time i saw it! ^_^

we’ve never really gone too far with my bike, we only get to ride it in the confines of our garage since mum won’t allow me to go out on the streets with it. she said i need to learn how to pedal first before we take to the streets! i tell you, it is rather difficult to learn how to pedal, my little legs can only do so much. so how do i ride the bike, anyway, you’d ask? mum would hold both my feet + pedal for me. or most times, she’d just push me around the garage so that i can pretend am actually biking!

kids in doodles, my favorite things, lightning mcqueen, playtime

hopefully i’d be able to learn how to ride my bike properly, i swear i’d practice every single day if i had to! am excited to bring it to the park or to the memorial during weekends. hmm, which reminds me, i need to tell mum to bring the bike to the nearest gas station or bike shop, so we can have the flat tires fixed! 😉

your turn with your doodles, matey! don’t forget to add one of these badges on your post + visit our other playmates to make our game more fun! also, i hope you’d click on the share buttons above as mum will surely do the same with your post once we visit them one by one! 😉

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