a is for animals + abc wednesdays

abc wednesdays

mum found this exciting new meme to join + since she plans to update my little corner more often this year, this sounds like a perfect fit! it’s called abc wednesdays + every week we are to feature something beginning with the letters of the alphabet until we finally reach letter z! isn’t that exciting? 🙂

our entry for this week is all about animals, a dog.

my favorite things, animals, out + about

this photo was taken when we went to baguio november of last year, there’s this park where you can get a good look at the baguio landscape in their viewing deck and where you can also have your photos taken with this humongous labrador dogs. we would’ve opted for the biggest one, but mum decided to settle for this cute dog with droopy eyes. i bet the cold weather is making  him sleepy. don’t you think he rather looks good with his shades on?

i bet this fellow wants to play, he immediately lied down beside me when i sat. i would’ve loved to bring him home so that i can have a pet of my own! i hope the owners of this dog will not tire him working at the park all day + will let him be a dog, who played around, for once.

join us at abc wednesday, click on the badge above for more information 😉

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kids in doodles: a few more holiday photos

kids in doodles, christmas, out + about

kids in doodles time again girls + boys + before anything else, allow me to send virtual shout outs to our lone participant for last week’s editions:

1. read on as maithankfulheart recall the beautiful memories of 2012 + welcome the new year

kids in doodles, christmas, out + about

the holidays is simply the most colorful + festive season of the year + i perfectly understood why we can’t get enough of it, even when it has been a week already. so this is my sort of last hooray for the holidays. we never really get to look around + hunt for santa as mum originally planned as i was a bit ill during that weekend leading to christmas with a mild case of colds + coughs. my mum even decided to bring me to my pedia just to be sure am not suffering from anything serious. it was a relieve to find out that there is really nothing to worry about. it was also probably the reason why mum did not force me to take down the medicine my doctor prescribed 😉

so these are truly the only photos we had of the season. the first one was taken in front of the huge christmas tree in cubao when we watched disney on ice, a day after christmas. i have yet to post about it. the second photo was taken when i had my playdate with my pal, rylan. we managed to look around a bit + snap some shots of the colorful outdoor park just outside the packed shopping mall.

kids in doodles, playmate, out + about, christmas

this last photo was also taken the same day. we were just strolling around the mall in between destinations + mum spotted this santa claus in one of my fave fast foods. tita moi snapped it, but i guess i was rather preoccupied with other things that i was not looking at the camera!

am sure you’ve got better photos than i did so it is time for you to share those doodles with us. include one of these badges + hop on to the other participants, too, to make our playtime more fun! 🙂

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meet my new friend, wreck-it-ralph

toys, gifts, colorful things, my favorite things

i received a number of gifts from my parents + my loved ones this year + one of them is this cool wreck-it-ralph toy, dad gave it to me. he’s been my favorite since mum + watched his film last year. he was a grumpy, dirty guy who simply wants the attention the other guy from their game, fix-it felix, jr., is getting. he also wants to have more friends. he might also look intimidating, but this tough guy is actually a softy inside. what’s really interesting about ralph is that he was able to find a friend in sweet little vanellope. + i love their adventure together.

toys, gifts, colorful things, my favorite things

my little toy comes with a piece of the building that ralph wrecks in the movie, + true to his name, with just a click on the middle part of the brick + it’s all wrecked in 3 separate pieces. ralph is now one of my fave toys + did you know that he went with us when we watched the disney on ice show a day after christmas? i bet ralph enjoyed the show.

toys, my favorite things, colorful things, gifts

i shall be accompanying mum once she starts taking yoga lessons again this year + i will make sure to tag ralph along so he can see the rest of the city + meet the beautiful people at mum’s yoga class 🙂

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