f is for firetruck!

i told you  about our recent trip to manila to see the celebration of chinese new year with our own eyes, right? i did not tell you that apart rom the many things that we saw that day, i also got to see this cool purple firetruck parked very near the church and the street celebration.  i love firetrucks, in fact, red from the cars movie is one + he is one of my favorite characters! normally firetrucks are colored red and this is actually the first time i’ve seen a purple one. mum said the person who sponsored for these firetrucks is way too fond of the color purple, so i guess there is no wonder he wanted his firetrucks in the same shade! 🙂

i think they are kinda cool and imagine a street line with purple firetrucks? i bet a lot of people will love it! too bad i was not able to ride the firetruck, but mum wasted no time in taking my picture beside it. hope you like it!  🙂

sharing this with ABC Wednesdays

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  1. I hope my son will see this too. The purple firetruck looks different but sometimes, different is attractive. Maybe that’s why these firetrucks are well known, because they are not ordinary. 😀

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