Unusual Ways to Save for a Trip to Orlando, Florida


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walt disney world in orlando


There really is no better way to spend a vacation than taking the kids to Orlando, Florida to visit some of the many theme parks there. However, unless you live within driving distance of Orlando, taking such a trip can be pricey. You will need to pay for transportation, hotel, food, and entrance fee to one of the many theme parks. Universal tickets at Universal Studios, Disney Tickets at Disney World ~ the costs really add up. Don’t forget souvenirs and snack foods!

Rather than putting your trip on credit card, find other ways you can save to make your trip a reality. Sure, you should set aside a portion of your paycheck every time you are paid to save for the trip, but there are other small things you can do to grow your savings.

  1. Save all money that you save on purchases. Did you save any money using coupons? Put that money straight into your Disney fund. Did you buy shoes for the kids during a buy one get one half off sale? Take the money you saved and put that in your Disney fund.
  2. Save “free” money. There are plenty of ways to find “free” money. If you open a new bank account that gives you cash for signing up and completing their requirements, don’t absorb that money into your budget; stick it in the Disney fund instead. Do you have a rebate coming to you for a recent purchase? Save that money.
  3. Use the Internet to make money. There are many ways to make money on the Internet that don’t take a lot of time. Start using Swagbucks instead of Google as your search engine. You receive PayPal deposits for your searches and you can put these toward you Disney fund. There are also plenty of survey companies you can work with. You won’t make a fortune doing surveys, but every bit helps.

Once you have saved your hard earned money, don’t forget to buy your Universal Studio tickets from FloridaTix in advance at a discount ticket broker. You will save a significant amount of money on the tickets, which will leave you with more money to enjoy during your vacation.

With some diligence, there are plenty of ways you can add a few hundred dollars per year to your Disney fund in addition to your regular savings.

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