this is hosted by: The Boogie Babes Saline Ambassador group #BoogieBabesLUVBW. members are: Stacy from Dnbuster’s Place| Kelli from Not Your Average Mom| Ty from Mama of 3 Muchkins| Savanah from Savvy Shopper Central| Melody from Melody’s Freebies and finds| Sara from Sweet Silly Sara| Megan from Tilted Urban| Jennifer from Mama Dove on a Box| Jodi from W(e)il’d Hair & Accessories
sponsored by: Boogie Wipes, Kandoo and Puffs Fresh Faces
this giveaway is open to us and canadian residents!
there will be a total of 5 winners for the “Big” giveaway AND each Host will have prizes to giveaway too!! Prizes are FULL size and sample size products, gift cards and MORE!
for the bloggers
- free + paid options are available
- receive a free Twitter entry for posting an announcement or pay $5 if you chose not to post. additional links + co-host slots are also available for a minimal fee of $2 + $10, respectively
- sign up ends on 05 september and giveaway will run from 09 september up to 24 september.
disclaimer: no purchase is neccessary to be part of this giveway. this promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with facebook, pinterest, twitter, boogie wipes, kandoo or puffs fresh faces. the hosts listed above are the sole responsible for the prize fulfillment.