Advantages of Playing Roundominoes for Children

Roundominoes´ brain-teaser is a lot more exciting and thought provoking than your ordinary puzzle. We all know that puzzles stimulate that part of the brain that combines logic with creativity, but Roundominoes just takes that to a whole new level! With its round shapes and colorful pieces it simply draws the attention of the children right away, and their imagination too. Roundominoes is the best option in terms of choosing the most entertaining and engaging puzzle to buy.

Put away the boring and simple puzzles and buy Roundominoes, with its multiple and compelling structure, the kids will love to do it time after time. They will benefit greatly in terms of cognitive learning and practice while having a fantastic time.

Roundominoes is thought to be played also by whole families. This way, not only your children will improve their logical and creative intelligence but will also enhance their emotional and interpersonal intelligence while playing Roundominoes with their parents or siblings in a cooperative and mutually loving way.

Roundominoes has a base which resembles a tablet giving it a modern look that reflects what children in the world today are looking for. It can be used also as a present for kids on their birthdays and other special celebrations.
With other kids wasting time doing unproductive things like watching TV and playing video games, the children who play and engage in Roundominoes will have a clear advantage over others. With Roundominoes kids develop certain abilities and skills that will help them greatly in their school years and consequently later in life.

Even if it weren’t enough, the Roundominoes looks like something you will decorate a kid’s room with. So it will not only serve as a learning and cognitive tool but also as a beautiful piece of art to have in your child’s bedroom. This will also save you money you would otherwise spend on other things for this purpose.

Since there are numerous different patterns, Roundominoes is like 1000 puzzles in one. Each time your kids start doing a new design, it will be as if they are making a new puzzle. They won’t get bored, as it usually happens with normal puzzles. Roundominoes is as versatile as a brain teaser can get.

So what are you waiting for to buy Roundominoes, your kids will love it and so will you. For more information check out this Roundominoes review.

Jared Quips

I have not played with actual dominoes yet but I have recently seen how fun and cool they can be in the movie Robots, where Mr. Bigweld played with tons and tons of dominoes. Now these rounded ones sure look more fun and more interesting to play with. It will be a perfect Christmas gift for children like me.

image is from

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help raise 100 gifts for typhoon yolanda survivors

toddler for a cause, fundraising

we are lucky that we get to enjoy many toys that our parents and loved ones have showered us on special occasions or on regular days {just because they want to give us something that cannot wait for any special reason}. i wish i can say the same for the children survivors of typhoon yolanda. i am sure that they were not able to salvage a single toy given that they barely came out of the tragedy alive.

now that we are busy making our christmas list,  i hope you will find it in your heart to share your blessings with these children who have been through to the most horrifying experience. i know they will appreciate it the most if you can give them a toy or two.

we are helping one of mum’s friends, tita iris pulga, in her aims raise 100 gifts for the children survivor of typhoon yolanda who are now taking refuge in La Isla Bonita de Salinas in Cavite.  she is planning to visit them on 14 december and bring these toys. she also hopes that they can have a jollibee party for the children and give them other presents. i am sure their little hearts will be delighted + touched by  this show of concern + love.

if you have a few toys to give, kindly bring them to the pick-up point in Medela House located at 29 1st st., new manila, quezon city. their contact numbers are 725-3723/738-6272/964-7331 {landline} +  0917-5614366 {mobile}. pre-loved toys are also welcome.

or if you have extra money to share, you may send in monetary donations, as well as loot bags filled with goodies that the children will love + enjoy. kindly email tita iris at for details on how + where to send your donations. 

if we joined hands, am sure we can make this christmas more meaningful and memorable for those who are affected by the super typhoon. thank you in advance for your help!

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Health Tips to Pass on to your Children

grown up stuff, children's health, tips + tricks
one of my favorite healthy activities is playtime! 

Many people believe that children are the future. They represent the next generation, include the next batch of world leaders and are the ones who will continue to make the world go round long after we are gone.Therefore, it is our duty to pass down to them the advice and wisdom we have learned, as well as the skills and practices we strongly believe could benefit their lives and maybe even their children’s lives after that. It is also important to pass on health tips to ensure they live a long, healthy life; health is wealth after all and a lot of people often forget that nowadays.

Give Blood

When you give, you receive and giving blood is no exception. Often, people have a misconception that it’s only the one on the receiving end that benefits from blood donations. In fact, donating blood has its benefits for the donor too. It can help people who are trying to lose weight, since donating a pint of blood burns a good 650 calories plus, regular donation also lowers a person’s chances of getting afflicted with heart-related diseases. For women, donating cord blood or the blood still in a baby’s umbilical cord after birth, is exceptionally beneficial. Cord blood is rich in stem cells similar to those found in bone marrow, which can be used for patients with cancer or blood-related illnesses. Pregnant women can ask for their cord blood to be stored publicly for the use of others or privately, if ever the need arises. Either way, joining the cord blood registry could save a life. Whether that is the life of an unknown person from the other side of the country, your neighbor, your child’s or your own, each is equally important.

Eating Breakfast

Doctors and other health specialists have always encouraged people not to skip meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast gets your day off to a good start and gives you a much needed energy source to start the day. It jump-starts your metabolism, helps you wake up and focus your mind and can even helping you maintain or lose weight. By eating a healthy, balanced meal in the morning, you are more likely to feel satisfied which will prevent you from binge eating at lunch or snacking in between meals. Not everyone can face a big breakfast the moment they wake up so if this is you, try taking something to eat on your journey to work such as fruit or yogurt. Watch out for sugary bars and cereals, as these will give you a short-term energy boost before your sugar levels drop again mid-morning resulting in tiredness. Instead, try protein rich foods like eggs or a hearty bowl of porridge to keep you going longer.

Exercise Regularly

This cannot be stressed enough, especially nowadays, where we live such fast-paced lives. When people struggle to make time for a necessity like breakfast, it’s not a surprise that exercising regularly gets thrown out of the window too. When people think of exercise, they usually imagine big heavy weights and machines at the gym or endless running until your legs fall off. But that doesn’t have to be the case. If you enjoy the bulky gym equipment then by all means go ahead but the key is to simply keep your body moving. Instead of driving or getting a taxi to your destination, walk there. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator. 10-20 minutes after eating, take a slow walk around the block to help with digestion. Take your bike to work instead of the car. All simple changes that will soon become habit and may actually be an enjoyable part of your day. Not only will exercising give you more energy and help you lose weight but it may even lower your fare!

This article was written by freelance writer and mother of three, Kathryn Thompson. Follow her on Twitter: @katht35

Jared Quips

It is never really early for us tots to develop a healthier habit that we will take up to our adult years. It is also one of my mum’s goals to raise me to be not only physically fit but a healthy kid, too. I may not be donating blood anytime soon {but am sure we’ll be doing that one of these days as mum included that in her bucket list}, but a regular exercise is something we can work on now. Maybe I should join mum on the mat when she finds the time to stretch and do her yoga.

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