we are lucky that we get to enjoy many toys that our parents and loved ones have showered us on special occasions or on regular days {just because they want to give us something that cannot wait for any special reason}. i wish i can say the same for the children survivors of typhoon yolanda. i am sure that they were not able to salvage a single toy given that they barely came out of the tragedy alive.
now that we are busy making our christmas list, i hope you will find it in your heart to share your blessings with these children who have been through to the most horrifying experience. i know they will appreciate it the most if you can give them a toy or two.
we are helping one of mum’s friends, tita iris pulga, in her aims raise 100 gifts for the children survivor of typhoon yolanda who are now taking refuge in La Isla Bonita de Salinas in Cavite. she is planning to visit them on 14 december and bring these toys. she also hopes that they can have a jollibee party for the children and give them other presents. i am sure their little hearts will be delighted + touched by this show of concern + love.
if you have a few toys to give, kindly bring them to the pick-up point in Medela House located at 29 1st st., new manila, quezon city. their contact numbers are 725-3723/738-6272/964-7331 {landline} + 0917-5614366 {mobile}. pre-loved toys are also welcome.
or if you have extra money to share, you may send in monetary donations, as well as loot bags filled with goodies that the children will love + enjoy. kindly email tita iris at iris_rebao@hotmail.com for details on how + where to send your donations.
if we joined hands, am sure we can make this christmas more meaningful and memorable for those who are affected by the super typhoon. thank you in advance for your help!