mum enjoys doing yoga + am sure she will be thrilled to pass up the chance to do yoga with me. that is why am sure she will be contemplating on attending this year’s first leg of the mom & me series {you may read all about our last year’s mom & me experience here}. this time around, the people from mom & me arranged fun + enjoyable physical activities for both mums {or dads} + kids to enjoy. to know more about this exciting event, read the the press release below:

Keeping fit and healthy starts in the home. Kids need physical activity to build strength, coordination, and confidence and it is the parent’s responsibility to lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle. How can you do this, you ask? The answer is simple – engage in physical activities with them and make it a daily habit.
For kids, fitness means playing and being physically active. Once they enter nursery until they get to big school, exercise comes in the form of playing tag with friends, P.E. classes, and attending organized sports such as basketball or swimming. However, parents can no longer rely on physical education in schools to provide enough physical activity for kids. They need to play a more active role and make fitness a family routine.
This March, jumpstart the summer with Mom and Me: Fun To Be Fit, a series of health and fitness activities that both moms and kids will enjoy.
Yoga for all ages have become popular as this activity improves the three elements of fitness – endurance, strength, and flexibility. Moms and kids, and even dads too, can sweat it out in the mat with an interactive yoga class from Yoga+ on March 1 (12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) and White Space Mind and Body Wellness Studio on March 15 (12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.). Poses that promote fun, laughter, and creativity will keep the kids engaged while moms challenge themselves in their own yoga practice.
While yoga entails focus and flexibility, aerobic dancing involves heart-pumping movements and is a great way to improve coordination and memory. Make your way to Slimmers World on Mach 8 (9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) in their Megamall branch and March 22 (9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) in Trafalgar Makati branch for a fun and easy dance work out. Moms will also enjoy a signature Body Fat Analysis and Figure Consultation, Nutritional Counseling, Diamond Peel and a Slimming Treatment. Dancing to upbeat tunes, prepare to sweat it out. You’ll surely find yourself doing the routine even until you get home.
Swimming is one of the best workouts you can give your body as it activates almost all of your muscle groups at the same time. Since you’re floating in water, there’s less pressure on your joints and bones, and it almost seems like you’re not really exercising. Rounding up the Mom and Me Fun To Be Fit series is a swimming class with Coach Herman Brinas as hosted by The Legend Villas on March 29 (9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.). Paddle, kick, and soak the sun, it’s a fun fitness activity for a Saturday afternoon.
Entrance Pass is only Php 350 good for mom/dad and one child per day. Participants get the chance to win in raffles and will receive a loot bag filled with treats.
Allow enough time for free play, regulate the use of gadgets, and keep a variety of games and sports equipment at home. You’ll be surprised how a jump rope can make a big difference. Show your kids that fitness is important by engaging in fitness activities with them. Mom and Me: Fun To Be Fit gets you and your little one active together. Get in shape and create moments that you and the kids will remember for a lifetime!
Mom and Me: Fun to Be Fit happens every Saturday of March – March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. For details and event tickets, go to www.momandme.com.ph. Like and Follow Mom and Me at /mommyandmePH. This event is also supported by Citibank, Enercal Plus, Thor Productions, Malaya Living, Baby Magazine, Travelife Magazine, Circuit, Mom Center Philippines, and WhenInManila(dot)com.
Press Release