What You Need To Know On Pregnancy 

Nowadays people are not well educated on the topic of pregnancy. But this process requires lots of understanding and awareness from both parents, the mother and the father. In order to go well through all the phases of pregnancy  and child-rearing both parents especially the mother should consult good sources of information as well as take into consideration other women experiences. And where can you get in-depth, detailed information today? Right, on the internet. World wide web nowadays stands as a great source of information on pretty much everything you need. Pregnancy is not an exception. If you consult Google, you will find plenty of web pages, blogs and forums on getting pregnant and raising a child. Forums are great for sharing knowledge with other women more experienced than you. That is why, we do highly recommend that you consider this option which is absolutely free and contains loads of information that you might find to be very useful – try Moms.com.

Also a very important aspect to consider is the popularity and the reliability of the web page, blog or forum. Make sure you read some reviews on the web if there are any in order to familiarize yourself with the quality of the content exposed on the web page. It is important that you consult your family doctor before taking into consideration the advices on medicine and nutrition that you find on the web. Your child’s health comes first. Therefore, let these sources serve as a great support and training for the areas you’re not knowledgeable about. But don’t rely only on them. Seek medical advice when required.

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kid for a cause: join the #DinnerForCarlisle event

announcement, toddler for a cause, fundraising, kid for a cause

It must be very difficult for a child to experience a very serious illness earlier on in life. I can only imagine what they have to go through + what their parents have to go through to make sure they stay healthy + well. Having a sick child can be very taxing + heartbreaking to any parent or family. That is why it is a must that we do our share to help them in what little way we can. Mum came across Carlisle + his mum through their common friends online. He was diagnosed with brain tumor + to help fund his treatments + medications, her mum thought of putting up the Dinner For Carlisle event on 27 September, 2014. Buffet 101 Eastwood branch will be hosting a dinner-for-a-cause event for Carlisle. The #DinnerForCarlisle buffet is priced at Php 1,100 for adults and Php 600 for kids 3.5 ft and above. Children below the height limit is considered free of charge. Part of the sales will be for Carlisle’s hospital funds. Dinner starts at 5:30 PM.

If you have no plans for the weekend, make sure to go there + help Carlisle’s mum.

You can read more about this dinner-for-a-cause event on their Facebook Event Page, https://www.facebook.com/events/365351790283139, + you can also read more about Carlisle + his battle against Craniopharyngioma on his Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/HelpForCarlisle

You can also read about his story here:

announcement, toddler for a cause, fundraising, kid for a cause

Carlisle Von Patrick was born as a healthy bouncing baby boy on the morning of March 31st, 2012. Being a single mom who carried him for the whole nine months by myself, I was so overwhelmed that he came out as healthy as I prayed for. Crying out loud, rosy cheeks, birthmark. Everything seems to be perfect. I make sure that he’ll not be hurt, no insect will bite him. He was present on monthly check-ups, up-to-date with his vaccines.

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Pros and Cons of a Family Garden

It’s easy to romanticize gardening and certainly, for some people, it truly is the most enjoyable way to get outside, get some exercise and reduce stress. However, for families, professionals or simply those who live in a region with extreme temperatures, the idea of gardening can be more appealing than the reality. Not everyone is a gardener, just like not everyone is a basketball player or into knitting. You should figure out what the reality of your gardening skills and time commitments are before picking a property based on gardening potential.

As a renter, you’re in a great position. Some landlords have property management companies that take care of basic landscaping for you. If you’re not a gardener, this fee is included in your rent and you don’t have to worry about braving the scorching heat or freezing temperatures to mow and edge your lawn. Other properties are for rent with the understanding that the tenants will take care of the landscaping. Consider this a vital factor when looking for a new rental.

The upside to gardening

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