Bedroom wall stickers are not the newest addition to wall improvement techniques, but the new designs and versions of the wall stickers for bedroom are definitely one of the most important aspects which all of us must keep in mind before planning to shift to a new apartment. When I decided to refurbish my bedroom, I was totally clueless whether to install Mythical figures, or pictures of natural objects, birds, geometric designs, or textured color templates, but my husband came up with an innovative idea, that would not just add a naughty flavor to the wall décor, but that would also spark up our relationship in the bedroom.
When I asked him how to choose wall stickers for bedroom, he just answered me with a twinkle in his eyes: “Let us stick some romantic wall papers. After all, we have been married for one year now.” So, I bought a whole new range of wall papers which had lovely romantic pictures, and a palette of colors which could be reflected both under the bright light and the faded out night lamp in the bedroom. The wall stickers were so energizing that they not only reflected a calm spirit inside the room, but they also increased the aesthetic sense to a large extent.
Discussion about wall stickers and their price range: it is important before we buy them!

I discussed with some of the notable wall stickers suppliers in my locality, and they gave me some important information regarding how to choose bedroom decor:
- • The dimension and the direction of the bedroom. If the bedroom walls are too large and they have a great height, then bedroom wall stickers in wide and colorful prints can be installed.
- • The light and darkness combination is important. For example, when we tried to stick on wall papers in floral prints on the North-East corner of the room, we found that the prints were not visible easily, because the area was dimly lit. So, when we lit an incandescent light, the floral prints were easily visible. So it is important to determine the light and darkness features of the bedroom, before buying wall stickers.
- • In case of fluorescent lamps, there can be color variations with respect to the wall stickers. The accurate images in Red, Blue, and pink can give dull and often more cloudy looks, so we must furnish the floor arrangement, and the lighting system of the room, to accentuate the bright colors or the pastel shades of the wall stickers.
Designs and templates that is usually popular for bedrooms

In choosing wall stickers for bedroom, we can select from a whole new range of assortments. Some of the most popular bedroom wall stickers include:
- • Love quotes such as ‘affectionately yours’, or ‘I shall always be with you’, or else, ‘Let us toll all our love into one this night’, and so on. These words look good under a blue light, or a decent table lamp which will focuses only on the words.
- • We can spice up the love and attraction quotient in our bedroom by sticking bedroom wall papers which have flower bouquet prints.
- • If you are wondering about how to choose wall stickers for bedroom of the children, then masks, cartoon characters, school and fable stories, foods, cakes, pastry prints, and chocolate, elephant wall stickers can also be an excellent option.
- • Choosing wall papers for bedroom is a very interesting task, and all the members of the house can go through the special bedroom wall sticker catalogues which are provided by online and offline companies.
- • Wall stickers for bedrooms can be clubbed with special colorful wall decals, or removable wall papers, to bring about a desired combination effect in the overall décor of the room. Moreover, it is my opinion, as I have bought and changed bedroom wall stickers frequently, that we should always buy budget-friendly wall stickers. It is really a foolish task to squander money on cheap quality wall stickers, because some of the wall stickers can really be very nice and they have an extensive longevity, even if they are priced moderately.
Getting the wall stickers online and offline
It is important to go through the detailed price policy and cataloging of the wall stickers, before buying them through online and offline methods. Vinyl, plastic, paper and wooden stickers are popular wall décor items nowadays. They come in various designs.
Jared’s Quips
Bedroom wall decors make for practical and convenient room makeovers that is no wonder why most mums, and kids, opt for these awesome products. They can be installed in a jiffy and even little children can help out. We have a couple of these at home and in our bedroom and they sure add instant pop of colors in our otherwise all-blue walls. There are wide array of designs, from animals, airplanes, name it, and colors to choose from and a lot of online and offline shops now carry them, making it very convenient for anyone to get one for an exciting room makeover with the family over the weekend. Tell us about your bedrooom wall stickers in a comment below, right?
This is a guest post
Bedroon stickers can really refresh the look of a room and change it up.
that is so true!
With walls and ceilings, you can choose designs to fit your personality or the tase of your family. Nevertheless, differen rooms needs different designs as much as possible.