Before mum turns off the laptop to take a break from work + welcome 2016, allow me to greet everyone a blessed + prosperous new year! This year has been an awesome adventure + we look forward to another great year this 2016.

Some of the highlights of our year is my very first commencement activity in March, where I got a number of medals for the efforts i put in for studying, my very fun swimming lessons last summer, my 6th birthday when we went to Kidzoona, our visit to Art In Island, my very first field trip in October and our very first visit to Kidzania Manila {you can read all about the experience in mum’s post here}, my first apple bite {yes, i am not fond of fruits + hopefully i’d be able to eat more of them this new year!}, and a hosts of weekend trips we made to my grandparents’ house to visit + play with my cousins! We also got to visit Museo Pambata twice this year. Of course, I won’t forget the time when we got to watch Mickey Mouse + his gang when they had a show in Manila. I definitely enjoyed each and everyone of these experiences!
Here’s to making more wonderful memories this coming year + hopefully, mum will get to have more time to make more updates around here. Can you believe she has yet to blog about most of the things we did this year? I do hope she will find more time to blog around here next year, or who knows, I might just be making my “official” first post in this corner very soon!
We’ll be off to my grandparents’ house to welcome 2016 just like we did last Christmas which I absolutely enjoyed. We stayed there for 3 days! I hope we can stay longer this time around so I can catch up with my ate + my kuya. Also, tito Ken said he would buy some sparklers for our New Year celebration so I am all excited.