out + about: going to the playground

out + about, playgrounds, family time

Since the rainy season started, we can no longer spend as much time outdoors as we would like to. I miss spending time outside playing + wandering, + I miss biking most of all. Since summer ended it was only mum who gets to ride her bike sometimes, bringing my lunch to school.

I miss playing outside so much that I was really happy that we were able to do just that a few weeks back. There was a storm that day and classes were suspended. Luckily, the rain was not so bad that mum thought it was a good idea for a trip to the mall. Mum bought new clothes and shopped for postcards and cute stuff from one of the shops in the mall. We also ate lunch in one of our favorite fast foods!

On our way home, we stopped by one of those gas stations along the express way that also have shops that sell different items like sports stuff, and perhaps an epiphone les paul tribute plus, and restaurants around. Mum went to several stores looking for a new pair of trainers.

While wandering around we saw a flock of pigeons being fed by people nearby and flying from their nests to the lovely fountain. We also discovered this cool playground nearby and, of course, I wasted no time + played. I love slides so I gave it a go a number of times. I also climbed this web of big, thick ropes + tried the swing, too! It wasn’t too long when it started drizzling and we had to head back home.

I really enjoyed the time we spent outdoors and the drive to and from home. I hope it won’t rain so much these days so we can do it again soon. What are the things you miss doing because of the rain?

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