dressing to the nines

fashion, kids fashion, grown up stuff, tips and tricks

It might probably take a few more years before you see me dress to the nines. If I would have my way I’d rather be dressed in my favorite ensemble of a comfy tee and a shorts, with my worn-out pair of trainers, to boot!

Of course, special occasions later on in life might leave me with no other option but to put one of those uncomfortable dress shirt or that 3-piece suit, for example, on. Some of these occasions include  school graduations, my first communion, or, I don’t know, a wedding or two, perhaps. I might have to be forced to put on my Sunday best just so I won’t look under-dressed or out-of-place in a place teeming with beautifully-dressed people.

I thought weddings are always a good excuse to dress up. I was the ring-bearer to my tita‘s wedding and even when I had to wear this itchy barong for several hours, I absolutely enjoyed the experience + the thrill of walking down the aisle with my family.

If you think about it, it probably isn’t a bad idea to dress up when the situation calls for it. A button-down long-sleeved shirt paired with a nice slacks in darker shade will probably do the trick. Add a pair of loafers {or a dark slip-ons, if I can pull it off!} + I shall be all set!

fashion, kids fashion, grown up stuff, tips and tricks

a lovely wedding dress am sure mum will love

Dressing up for girls, on the other hand, can be rather complicated. I know that apart from taking too long to choose which dress to try out first + buy, they have quite a number of things to take into consideration, like the color and style of the dresses that would best suit their complexion + their body type, or which pieces of jewelry to go with that dress, for instance. It will be quite an episode am sure. + we have not even talked about shoes!

Anyways, I think the key to dressing to the nines successfully is simply to choose the items that not only look good on you, but those that make you the most comfortable, too. Add to that just the right amount of self-confidence + you’ll be good to go!

images via Pixabay

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