the fourth month of the year, april, is finally here! according to wiki, this month name came from the latin word aprilis, which means “to open,” as this month is often associated with spring. so what activities do you have lined up for the month? for the first week i shall be busy with my swimming class! i only got a week left to enjoy the water + the sun with my coach + my classmate + i plan to enjoy every minute of it! did you know that i can now swim in the 7-foot pool without the aid of my floater? my coach said i only need to move my hands a bit more + i shall be good to go! :Wink:
this month, we are also slated to go to activefun in megamall, as we have been invited for its launching this friday. activefun is one of my most favorite places + i absolutely enjoy playing there for hours on end. there are loads of interesting stuff to play with + discover, + there is this colorful huge slide, which happens to be my fave. am sure our visit to activefun will be one worthwhile experience + i shall tell you all about it!
another thing am sure i will be enjoying a lot this month is going to the arcade. we make it a point to stop by the arcade whenever we do our groceries + it has become one of our bonding activities as a family. did you know that even mum + dad enjoys visiting the place. dad plays this cool fight game, while mum enjoys the basketball game with me. i also enjoy riding a number of rides there, including this cool car ride, which i shared with a little girl in one of our visits. check out our cool moving picture above! there is a new arcade at the local mall which we have not visited yet. i will make sure to ask mum + dad if we can go there one of these days! :Happy-Grin:
by the way, this is my first entry for this april blogging challenge #atozchallenge:
first image is from the smashing magazine website