kids in doodles: my very first valentines card

kids in doodles, pre-schooler, preschooler's work

writing, reading + learning are not the only cool stuff we do at my new playschool/tutorial place, we also make cute stuff on special occasions, like this cool card i made for valentine’s day! mum is a sucker for anything hand-written or hand-drawn, especially if they were made by me, so am sure she especially loved this card!  :Valentine-s-Day:

kids in doodles, pre-schooler, preschooler's work

one of my teachers at playschool, teacher pam, helped me in making this card so i can give it to mum + dad. since i am not yet very good at writing letters, she helped me write the words in front of the card, as well as those inside. i was the one who chose the colors of crayons to choose for the “i love you mommy and daddy” bit. i was also the one who colored that red heart in front of the card.

kids in doodles, pre-schooler, preschooler's work

apart from writing that sweet message, i also drew this picture of me + my parents inside the card. i also made sure to draw my  bib, can you see it in the picture? i also doodled our home + wrote our names in there. i know i need more practice with drawing so i might be able to do a better version of us!  i gave this card to mum on valentine’s day after my class was over. i also showed it to dad when he got home a few days after.  based from their wide smiles, i’m guessing they liked my little work!

did you make or bought something for your parents on valentine’s? share those here at kids in doodles + let’s have a grand time checking out each other’s valentine’s gifts.


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kids in doodles: my very own diy frame

happy wednesday boys + girls, it is time for another round of kids in doodles!

fun activities for children, pre-schooler, Kids in Doodles
today am sharing all about the diy frame i created last year when mum + i joined the mom + me fun circuit. read on to know more about it….

fun activities for children, pre-schooler, Kids in Doodles

we participated in the press preview of mom + me fun circuit last year + we did 3 exciting activities with other kids + their mums. one of those is a stop to kidzart in mandaluyong city, where we got to make our own frames. it sure was a very awesome experience to be doing some arts + crafts with other kids.

we painted our black frames with watercolor. one of the teachers there helped me with my clouds + grass drawing, while i went on to cover them with watercolor. am not really good at this since i have just tried watercolor painting about 2 times! but i think i did pretty well.

fun activities for children, pre-schooler, Kids in Doodles

after finishing my painting, i tapped this ball and car cutouts onto my frame, i have also painted these papers with watercolor ~ blue for the car and orange for the ball! after mum put a number of big paperclips onto my project, i know have my very own diy frame + mum was so excited to display it at home. she placed a photo of me from my 3rd birthday in my cool frame + it now hangs in our kitchen shelves. what do you think?

by the way, for this summer mom + me has lined up a couple of fun to be fit series where mum + children can get to enjoy fun physical activities like yoga + swimming, you can read all about it in this post here.

join + link up your awesome creation with us. add one of our badges + do not forget to visit our other playmates, too, to keep our game fun + enjoyable. will be waiting for your entries then.

happy wednesday!  :Delighted:

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kids in doodles: my new playschool

early learning, playschool, kids in doodles, pre-schooler

hello again playmates, time again for another round of kids in doodles + today am sharing my new playschool.

my old playschool closed down late last year so mum + i had to find me a new one. lucky enough, we found this one just across the resort where i enroll for swimming class during summer. mum said i really need to get used to going to school + doing all those school works in preparation for big school, where i’d be enrolled this coming school year.

we went to the playschool one day to have me assessed + my new teacher, cheenie, said that i am a fast learner + aced my assessment test. mum enrolled me right away + my class was scheduled the following week. we were to go for 2 hours during mondays/wednesday/friday.

early learning, playschool, kids in doodles, pre-schooler

my first day in my new playschool turned out well. i may be busy marveling at my new surrounding but did what i was told on most occasions. we traced {a lot of tracing} letters, identified the alphabet + numbers, we colored and told stories + my most favorite part of all, we played with this set of mega blocs. i made big robots + made believe they were transformers bumblebee + optimus prime!

i my not have cooperated on a number of occasions, but my teachers were clever enough to make me do my school exercises + unlike my former playschool, where we get to play a lot with my classmates miggy + don, which i missed a lot, we are more focused on doing school-related work + would just pause for a play break when I am being restless.

i am sure i will enjoy my time at my new playschool + i cannot wait to see their play area 2 doors down! 🙂

okay  it’s your turn to share your fun stories with us. do not forget to include one of our badges + link up. also, if there were a number of participants, i hope you’d visit them, too, to make our game more fun + enjoyable. 

have a very nice february everyone! ^_^

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