kids in doodles: valentine’s day doodles

Kids in Doodles, pre-schooler, doodles

i was not able to create a valentines card for mum + dad this year, but i wrote these doodles on my magnetic slate especially for them! i thought it was just as sweet! mum asked why there were too many hearts on my doodles + i said because that is how much i love her + dad!

Kids in Doodles, pre-schooler, doodles

yup, i know i still have to practice a bit more on my writing, my mum told me so. i am just too tired sometimes + most of the time it is more fun to play with my toys or watch my favorite cartoons on the telly than to work on my writing worksheets. i know i cannot delay it much longer because mum will definitely find a way to convince me to do it, anyway!

what did you make for your mum + dad for valentine’s? do share!  :Valentine-s-Day:

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Celebrating Christmas in School

pre-schooler, school activities, christmas, gifts

i don’t believe i told you all about our christmas celebration in school. this is the first time i am joining a christmas party in school as i’ve just started schooling this year + i did enjoy it! the weekend before our party, mum + i were busy preparing my gifts for my classmates + my teachers. mum made goodie bags out of colored papers we have readily available + i put a lot of big hero 6 stickers onto these bags as decorations. mum also found this cool christmas gift tags printable on pinterest, which i used to write in the names of my friends + teachers. we packed a variety of candies + a couple of colored pens on my classmates’ bags, while mum stashed a couple of girly stuff on my teachers’ bags. i do hope they like the gifts we prepared for them!

pre-schooler, school activities, christmas, gifts

our school party started with a program at the gym hosted by a local fast food. everyone from prek1 to grade 6 were in the gym that day, along with our teachers. contests were also held for everyone to join. i joined this fun game with my classmate, wesley, where we were to follow the instructions like “put your cheek on your partner’s cheek” and the likes. it was a pair of our schoolmates from the other pre-k2 class who won this contest.

pre-schooler, school activities, christmas, gifts

after we participated in the program at the gym, we proceeded to our classroom to continue our party. we were served fried chicken + rice, burger + juice. as we were eating, we also distributed the gifts we prepared for our classmates. + while finishing our food, the exchange gifts started.  it was charlene who picked me from our exchange gifts + she gave me this cool ninja turtle toy with music + light. i picked mavey + i gave him this cool truck diecast we got for him. i sure hope he likes it!

how was your christmas celebration in class?

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kids in doodles: coloring + drawing on a holiday

kids in doodles, doodles 
kids in doodles, pre-schooler, doodles, children art

hello there boys + girls! it has been a very long, looong while since we last had a kids in doodles post + now that mum + i had a day’s off from our daily activity, thanks to the eid al adha holiday, we found the time to sit down + wrote this post! ^_^

kids in doodles, pre-schooler, doodles, children art

for this week, let me tell you all about one of my favorite activities, especially during holidays, drawing + coloring. it was timely that mum dug up a number of coloring books from one of my boxes while she was doing some cleaning in the room yesterday. it meant additional stuff for me to color + more reason for me + my crayons to get busy! i thought this spongebob squarepants coloring + activity pad is way too cool! 😉

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