j is for jed’s

out + about, weekend, family, family time, summer

summer has officially started + what better way to beat the heat than by going for a swim! we just got back from our overnight swimming with my cousins, their parents + friends at jed’s island resort! of course, i had a great time bonding with my kuya sean + ate shane, we enjoyed swimming in the pool together and later on giving the wave pool a try. it was my first time to try a wave pool + it was so much fun. it felt as if you were actually on a beach with the waves! i really had a wonderful time wading in the water as the waves crash in! πŸ™‚

i had a wonderful time swimming that mum actually found it real hard to take me out of the pool once i have dipped in. i was always the last to come out. the pool is a bit deeper for kids my age good thing there was this shallow part of the pool where we can stay. of course, i also had my floaters on either side of my shoulders at all times for safety purposes.

out + about, weekend, family, family time, summer

what can i say, it was really so hot + taking long swim in the pool is just the best way to cool down. we originally planned to just go for a day swim but we really enjoyed it + decided to stay the night with the rest of my cousins + their company. we passed the time watching all our favorite cartoons on disney junior + playing. + since our room was air-conditioned we also had quite a goodnight sleep.

out + about, weekend, family, family time, summer

the next day, we spent the entire morning until about lunchtime out in the sun, exploring the other pools inside the resort + having some of our photos taken. apart from swimming, there are also a lot of huge displays of familiar characters here which you can photograph with. there ironman + his avenger gang, shrek, mickey mouse, spongebob + a whole lot more. we were quite busy that i only get a chance to have my photo taken with some of the giant displays on our way out of the resort.

it was such a wonderful weekend + i simply cannot wait to hit the water again real soon! πŸ˜‰

sharing this with ABC Wednesday + Color Connection

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playing in the greens before my swimming lessons

playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

one of the things we need to do before starting our swimming class is to stretch to get the muscles in condition. + there is a green, grassy patch where we do our stretching each day. apart from stretching, i also enjoy walking around this area of the resort where everything around me seems green ~ from the grass to the vines crawling on the wall + the ceilings, too. it was rather relaxing + enjoyable staying in this spot + mum kinda likes it, too! Β πŸ™‚

playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

here are a few of the photos mum took one time i was playing at this green area. if she can, she would’ve probably preferred to have something similar like this at home or she’d probably want to frequent a place something similar. she said one of the best things for parents to doΒ is exposing little children to nature + teaching them how to save it at an earlier age, that way they’d develop a certain love + appreciation for nature even at an early age,+ hopefully when it is their time, they’d lend a hand in saving the environment + ultimately, our planet. i know i will! πŸ˜‰

Β playtime, summer, swimming class, toddler, green living

it has been awhile since i’ve been to the resort + i am missing it a lot, as well as coach abbey + the rest of the coaches. mum said she will see if i can enroll for another round of lessons next month, otherwise i will have to wait until next summer so i can practice on my swimming again. hopefully it will be sooner, i cannot wait to get back into the water again πŸ™‚

mum is linking this post to:

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kids in doodles: watching the avengers


kids in doodles, movies, toddlers, best things to do this summer

i have always been interested with the avengers movie ever since mum pointed it out in the tellie one time + when we got thor’s hammer free from the pack of my favorite hotdogs dad bought a few weeks back. i would make it a point to blurt out “avenger” whenever i see the trailer + photos that mum promised we’d watch it as soon as we had the chance. + lucky me, we just did, last sunday! πŸ™‚

after visiting expo mom, where i get to see cool stuffs + interesting toys to play with, we headed to mega mall to watch the avengers. it was a fun + enjoyable film to see! although, i was covering my ears most of the time + asked mum to cover my eyes, too, especially when the big, green monster hulk is shown, i would stay i rather enjoyed it + would recommend for other kids to see it, too. just make sure you see it with your mums, right? + ask them to cover your eyes + ears, too, when those loud + action-packed scenes are shown.

kids in doodles, movies, out + about, best things to do this summer, toddlers

my favorite avenger will have to be ironman, he is just way too cool, what with all the features he possesses! + do check out that scene where he tried to propel their ship back up in the air! + that thing he has up on his bulding’s roof top is just amazing! okay, i won’t tell anymore, the film is good + you better see it for yourself!

meanwhile, check out our cool photos with iron man. tita cecille took this right after we got our movie tickets after braving the long queue at the ticket booth. πŸ™‚

what is the latest movie you’ve seen? share that or any of your doodles stories with us, do not forget to visit other participants to make our game more fun, right? check out the rules of our game + the badges hereΒ Β πŸ™‚

thanks tita mirage for the linkie πŸ™‚

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