toy stories 05: my mobile phone

V-tech mobile phone, toys

today am sharing to you one of my first + favorite toys – my v-tech mobile phone. mum + dad bought this as another gift (check out my other gift here)when i turned 1 year old last year. i instantly fell in love with this toy + it also instantly fell onto the floor when i threw it for the first time at the toy kingdom floor where we bought it!

i used to love playing with mum’s mobile phones, maybe that is why she got me one of my own. mine is actually cooler with loads of colors in it (it is fun to play during nighttime just before we sleep because of all the pretty colors!), it actually has cute + funny sounds, too! you press a dial + the numbers are said allowed as you press on them. you press another one + the numbers will read out different greetings + niceties to use during a phone conversation like “thank you”, “hello”, “let’s call daddy”, “daddy i love you.” another dial will turn these niceties into chinese niceties like “Xièxiè” for thank you + “Nín hǎo” for hello.

V-tech Mobile Phone, toysv-tech mobile phone, toysit also sings a beautiful song that goes:

call your friends,mommy too, you can say how do you do, with a ring, ring, ding-a-ling, caller of the day, have your friends to come + play

got any toys to share? Shopping Bag




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my orange books

orange, books

these are my wipe-and-clean orange books, the one with the indian boy is a book on big letters + the other one with the cow in it is a book on small letters. it contains pictures + drawings about letters. i enjoy looking at these photos + one time i even get to try my crayons on them. what is good about these books, apart from their fun + cheerful color, is that i can draw in them + mum would have no trouble erasing them to be spic ‘n span again. all she has to do is wipe off the markings with wet wipes, thus the name wipe-and-clean 😉

when i get a little bigger, these books will be great to practice on my reading too. for now, i content with staring at the photos + mum pointing out the stuffs to me + telling me what they are!

any orange stuffs you’d want to tell me about?

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colorful little sqwishies

Sqwishland toysa few weeks back, we won these colorful sqwishland toys from pinaymama (read the announcement here), they are cute little toy animals, there is a pig, a lion, a sheep, a dolphin + many more, + they come in different colors + are placed in different colored capsules, much like eggs! but, mum said, i cannot play with the toys so much since, they are a tad small for a todder like me + they are potential choking hazard, so mum would allow me to play with them a short while then she will give me other more age-appropriate toys that i can safely play with.

Sqwishland.comthese tiny animals in round capsules also come with tiny white paper strips which mum said are codes we can use + verify with + if we get lucky we might be winning prizes, too! but, sad to say, the only prizes we got are extra credits so we can buy stuffs in the game.

i have yet to see how the online game is played, mum tried it a couple of times but it was late at night when she did + i was fast asleep. i’m sure we will be playing again soon. i will surely enjoy the game as there are lots of colorful animals + characters there!

thanks to pinaymama + sqwishland for our colorful new toys! 😀


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