messy-go-round 02: rice krispies medley

mum (in her desperate attempt to make me eat solids, i guess ;)) would allow me to have my own bowl of food + give me a spoon to go with it, so i can spoon all the goodies to my heart content. but almost all the time, + much to my mum’s frustration, my food would end up more like a plaything + scattered on the floor or stuck on my face 🙂 

take the rice krispies for example, i spoon most of the onto the monoblock chair + onto the floor afterwards. i also enjoy playing with my food with my hands, as clearly illustrated by this photo:

i guess mum also allows me to play with my food so i can be familiar with them + hopefully will soon be comfortable enough to grab a bite or take a spoonful. maybe in the near future i would. for now, i am totally enjoying my bottle + is definitely having a grand time making a beautiful mess of my food 🙂

sharing this thru (kindly click on the badge for more of the mess ;)):

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jared’s favorite things: first blog giveaway extended!


due to the recent mishaps with blogger, i decided to extend my giveaway for another week, to give ample time to those of you who still want to join. mum will also be giving surprise gifts to some lucky participants + shall be adding all the participants’ blogs to our bloglists (both in this corner + in mumwrites).
don’t forget the easy-peasy ways to join + get yourself a Musikgarten GC (for manila readers) + an inflatable pool (for non-manila residents). just remember to indicate in your preferred prize in your blog posts. check my giveaway post for detailed instructions.
so what are you waiting for, join now! you’ve got until 21 may to join. + mum shall be announcing the list of the lucky winners on 23rd of May (she’ll be using list randomizer in, by the way ;))

keep ’em entries coming + have a great sunday y’all!

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jared’s little corner is back + so is blogger!

a view from my room
it has been one quiet day from this little corner, no thanks to blogger’s recent chaos. mum was just hurriedly trying to post some of our backlogs when the post editor suddenly gone berserk + she could no longer post (that was wednesday, i think) then yesterday morning, she could no longer sign in on our blogger account + had to give up updating this blog altogether.
we are only glad that blogger is back + so are we..
offline it was quite a laid-back day with practically nothing to do, i guess mum was feeling a little lazy so she was easy on the home chores, nothing note-worthy really, apart from the power interruption (again, since there was another one in wednesday too!) which happened whilst mum is cooking dinner a little late. it meant one very hot + humid night again for me, but i guess i was a bit exhausted + dosed off easily anyway. i am still in dreamland as you read this…
also, we will be heading Subic-bound in  a few hours (yes, + whilst i sleep soundly, mum was up for almost 24 hours already!). it will be our first family swimming outing + i am sooo excited. too bad my tito + titas cannot join us since they will be busy with work half of the day. i do hope we can go on a swim again before summer ends. maybe somewhere just near our place so anyone, including my cousins, can join us 🙂
happy weekend everyone + stay safe y’all!
and please do not forget to join our very first giveaway (if you haven’t yet!), much thanks to those who joined (i was hoping you can all be winners, but alas, this corner has quite a limited budget, we’ll just come up with something in the future!) + for those who forgot to indicate which prize you’d like to vie for, mum has left a comment on your post + do update us as soon as you can, ayt?


giveaway update

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