yup the potter frenzy is in full force yet again, at least that is the case in our household (having three siblings who share the same potter passion can’t be that bad, huh?!)
the other day my youngest brother was watching the official trailer on youtube (the exact same one showing here) for probably a hundredth time with my son in tow and was just too delighted to tell me that jared, probably due to too much exposure, said “Mort, mort!” whilst the sinister face of Harry’s archenemy flashed on the screen. Yep, i am fully convinced that my son will grow up reading the books and watching the films, much like his mum. It won’t be a surprise anyway, i remember reading the books to him while he was still in my tummy, i even listen to the audio books while traveling (since when i got pregnant i found much of the songs in my ipod unfriendly, i.e. they seem to induce my “throwing up” instances, so i sought solace from few too preggy friendly melodies, and yep the audio books which was narrated in a delightfully crisp british accent) to and from work. And to top it all off, i watched the last Potter installment with my siblings and a cousin and you guessed it right, with my bulging tummy! So it is actually a hands down, no question asked, jared will want a lightning bolt scar on his forehead a few halloweens from now…
i will be counting down the days to 19 November with mixed emotions, delighted and ecstatic that finally the long wait is over and that we will, at long last, see our fave book in full living colour, bearing in mind the scenes from the book which i would just love to see on the big screen (how they’d manage to break into Gringots, the scenes in the forest where they’ve gone hiding plotting their next course of action, and many more) and on the other hand, sad, knowing that this will truly be the second to the last film and then there will be nothing more. The happy/sad ending. The story which has been part of our family for what 10 years or so will be part of history forever. It has converted many a faithful amongst us and long after the curtain is drawn on the last installment for the Deathly Hallows, we will reread and reread the books, watch and review the films and yep recount it to our children during storytelling tuesday nights and therefore, keep the legend of Harry Potter alive!
See you on November 19, in cinemas where harry will visit, for now let me just wipe the dust off this Deathly Hallows copy and brush up on my potter knowledge!
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