out + about: attending my classmate’s birthday party

children's party, kids, out + about, birthday, birthday party

If you are in Grade 1 this school year, then you probably either celebrated your 7th birthday or you are being invited to your classmates’ birthday party. According to mum, turning 7 is a milestone in a child’s life that is why most children celebrate it with a party. I celebrated my 7th birthday last year, too, + have also been invited to a number of parties the last few months. The latest of which was the one I attended last weekend with mum.

children's party, kids, out + about, birthday, birthday party

It was my classmate Jewel’s party + it was held in a cool outdoor event venue in Guiguinto. Jewel + her family prepared a beautiful fair for all of her guests. Upon arrival, we were given stubs that we should use for each of the booths available at the party. There are so many booths that day, among them are for cotton candy, sweet treats and desserts, hotdog, french fries. There is also a photo booth, face painting,  several booths for fun games where I was able to win prizes with my friends by hitting a stack of cans with ball!

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kids in doodles #19: jared’s birthday

kids in doodles, kids

today’s kids in doodles edition is extra special {at least for me :)} as i will be hosting it in behalf of mummy willa, kuya kendrick + kuya patrick. they are a bit busy at the moment due to their impending move back to the philippines {check out their post here} + since this meme is one of my most favorite, mum gladly volunteered to host it for the time being, then after a few weeks, it will be mummy che‘s turn to host it {she’s getting her baby blog ready ;)}

kids in doodles, kids, birthday, Zoobic Safari

so, today i will share with you my 2nd birthday celebration, when we visited zoobic safari {somewhere up north}. we saw a lot of trees + some mountains on our way there, mum + dad said it will take a 3-hour drive by car to get to zoobic safari. i plan to stay up while travelling so i can see more of the surrounding, but i was off for my nap time an hour away from our destination.

when we got there, we immediately fell in line to get in + joined this group of guests + a tour guide to see what this place has to offer. we first went to the serpentarium, which housed the reptiles including turtles, snakes, big lizards + iguanas. i saw this big yellow snake. mum + i had our photos taken beside it, of course all of these animals are caged so they won’t go out + bite anyone 😉

animals, Zoobic Safari, kids, kids in doodles
some animals found in zoobic safari

i saw a lot of other animals that day, including a white tiger {which is the only one of its kind found in the zoo}, yellow tigers + lions, too, donkeys, ostriches + wild boars. we also road this car + went to feed some tigers. of course, someone has to accompany us so he can feed the tigers so we can see them upclose + personal.

we even get to see some animals perform. a wild boar, named dora, painted a picture using colored pens, a little dog danced tinikling +  some dogs + some animals indigenous to our country showed their tricks, too.

there was even a group of teenage aetas who performed their traditional dance for us, they showed some funny steps, imitating how a monkey moves.

there were also a lot of birds living in the aviary in zoobic safari, but we only managed to see a few, some horn bills + some owls, too. we never get to explore the rest of the aviary because it started to drizzle when we got there, + mum just couldn’t risk me getting wet so we explored the souvenir shops instead. dad bought me this cute white lion stuff toy.

it was a very enjoyable afternoon + we had loads of fun celebrating my 2nd birthday. i hope we can go back there when i am a bit older + have our photos taken with the baby tiger.

so what is your kids-in-doodle share for the week? share it with us, grab the badges from the smart boys + don’t forget to include it in the linky. have a great week ahead, everyone! 😉

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weekend updates from this little corner

greetings, birthday, celebrations

hello everyone, how’s your saturday so far? if truth be told, i am actually taking my afternoon nap while mum updates my blog {come on, am only 2, you didn’t think i can really update my blog on my own, did ya? :)}

we are having a much deserved down-time. see i was out 3 times for the last 7 days + this little guy needs to rest + take a break. i will post about our simple dinner celebration for mum’s birthday, our zoobic safari adventure {my birthday} + my playdate with mum + dad at activefun in the coming days.

we were supposed to attend my pal rylan‘s 2nd birthday party but we cannot for some reasons. so, even if i am not with you on your special day, buddy, know that we wish you all the best + enjoy your day!happy birthday!

happy weekend everyone! 😉

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