so goes my week…

our week was off to a bad start since jared caught the cold saturday of last week. it really annoyed him when he’s got colds: he becomes irritable + cries a lot, he hates taking medicine + it almost always lands on the floor (or in most cases, his clothes, his crib + our bed!)  in a pool of vomit + that adds up to the frustration (well not that i can blame him, i wouldn’t give him any if there is a better way to cure his colds!) imagine seeing your son struggling and freeing his tiny body away from you forcing him to take meds! he was crying + his nose is running, really not a pretty site + heartbreaking at the most + if only i can help it, i’d rather skip on the colds episodes instantly. 

on a lighter note, it was a moment of celebration for this blogger since i got my first moolahs via paid-posting, so i was $20 richer courtesy of this article, i had problems with technicalities on this post (remember i won a .info domain + had to transfer it to wp after using it in this blog for a while?) am only glad i had it rectified just in time for payday!yay!
i also got the book i requested from navpress, becoming a woman of influence by carol kent + will be reading it + posting a review after, soon as my schedules allows me to.
i’ve also got the tommy hilfiger loud perfume, my freebies from nuffnang (made a separate post on this one too)
on saturday, jared (who’s doing a little better now, thank god!) + i went to trinoma for the obm baby blast 2 event. jared had a great time playing at the play area + i enjoyed browsing around shops (there are just a few + i haven’t found a toy booth which is one of the reasons why i came in the first place) + listening to celebrity mummies (like patricia hizon, nikki valdez + gladys reyes) talk about tips and stuffs on all things baby, experts giving lectures on children’s care + nutrition, plus speakers from toddlers + playschools on benefits of enrolling babies with them + of early learning.

lani mercado giving tips on how to manage having quality time with the family
jared playing at the little lamb kiddie spa booth
our loot for the day vitamins from pfizer, a magazine, book mark + a calendar
it wasn’t a bad week all in all. how was your week?
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sunday stealing: the burnt toast meme

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?the red on my chin is getting better
2. How much cash do you have on you? about 1000 pesos maybe
3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR? more
4. Favorite planet? the one where i live
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? the neighbor selling autoload for mobile phones.
6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? my son in laughing fits when he was still a little baby
7. What shirt are you wearing? a yellow tee
8. Do you label yourself? i hate labels
9. Name the brand of the shoes you’re currently wearing? i hardly wear shoes anymore, but what i have are: vans, converse + golla
10. Bright or Dark Room? bright room
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? interesting
12. What does your watch look like? a big white one with a bracelet for straps
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping like a log
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? my mobile network’s ad text
15. Where is your nearest 7-11? a 15-minute tricycle ride from here
16. What’s a word that you say a lot? baby + no! they almost succeed each other instantaneously!

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friday fill-ins 2011.09


And…here we go!

1. Bring your favorite umbrella whenever you leave the house, you’ll never know what will greet you outside, the sweltering heat of the sun or a drizzle.

2. sometimes, don’t you just wish manuals are included with the whole mothering thing.

3. this is exactly  where i want to be.

4. Well, you see, keeping two blogs at the same time can be such a daunting task, but i am up for the challenge, so bring it on.

5. can’t wait to go for a swim soon!

6. But what if jared won’t like his first pool experience.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to updating both my blogs + getting some well-deserved sleep, tomorrow my plans include bringing my baby to the obm baby blast 2 and Sunday, I want to catch up + watch some movies i’ve got on my desktop!

my entry to this week’s 

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