mommy moments: give love on christmas day

is it a blessing or a curse that jared is not big enough to tell me what he wants for christmas? i know that these days are numbered and i might as well cherish and relish them while they are here. and though i will have to be creative yet again to find the most suitable gift for my son and hopefully the one he will enjoy the most, i will know by his giggles and by him having a grand time playing with his new toy that i have found the perfect one. 
photos from learning is fun site
i wanted to buy him something educational since we will be starting with his learning activities next year so i got these set of brainy baby board books for him to read, browse and of course, seems to me his most favorite thing to do with his books, chew! and i throw in these nice flash cards for additional learning and fun.
photo from indigo baby

i also wanted to buy him these eco-friendly toy ever since i saw it from indigo baby’s site but this one’s good for kids three years and up so i still have two more years before i can finally purchase it for my son, good for me so i can have more time to save for it.

lovelies from amazon
i also wanted to get him some of these stackable toys. he is beginning to take interest in assembling parts of things and he was using his powder container, cotton buds cup as guinea pigs and i noticed he really digs this activity. 
i still have a few more days to go and a few more trips to the mall so we’ll see, if i see something that catches my eye and my son’s fancy, and if the purse will permit it, i might buy him something else.
and yes, lastly, i vow to give my undivided attention as a gift to my son for the incoming year, i know that mum has been preoccupied with blogging, the home chores and whatnot, and her ever demanding cafeworld game on facebook, but the growing baby needs much more attention in the future and i will be up to the task.
mommy moments
                               my entry to this week’s 
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friday fill-ins


i’ve lost count of all the friday fill-ins i made, surely there weren’t that many yet. but here is my take for this week’s edition (note: am skipping the christmas songs acronym, i’m going loco trying to figure out the puzzle you see^^)
here goes:
1. What in the world can we do to make this place a better and saner place for our children.
2. my little bundle of joy will be less cranky and more of an angel if well fed.

3. Go dream and reach for the stars.

4. yesterday i sent the christmas card i bought for my good friend, beejay, which i managed to write on in between diaper change and bottlefeeding my ever growing baby boy.

5. I keep one of my favorite traditions, that is letter-writing, alive, at least once or twice a year.

6. i may risk the trouble of going citybound tomorrow to bring jared to the cpkids christmas party or not.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to just turning in early to cuddle with my son, tomorrow my plans include scouring the mall to look for jared’s pants or shorts or finally use my big & small co. gc’s and Sunday, I want to go to de casia memorial park, it has been ages since i went to visit my parents!

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1. How do you order your steak?
2. Are you superstitious about anything?
3. Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)?
4. When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys…a suit)?
5. Do you have any trips scheduled?

my answer:
1. well done! it must always be well done! but i really seldom order steaks. not really one of my faves.

2. superstitious? probably in just teeny-weeny ways like i must always start my monday right otherwise the rest of the week will be ruined! or i always greet a friend at exactly midnight of their birthday for good luck. i also knock on wood, cross my fingers and say “bless you” whenever i hear someone sneeze.
3. my best friend? wow, i have one too many fabulous friends but i’m not sure who falls under the best category though, lest i might mention someone and another one might get jealous. chris immediately pops into my mind because she is such a great friend, a ninang (godmother to you my non-filipino readers) to my son and we’ve just recently watched the harry potter movie together.

this is one of my older photos with chris
4. the last time i wore a dress was when i was still pregnant with my baby. so that’s about a year,  three months and 15 days (yep, i’ve been counting!) ago. i am not really your dress girl cause my not-so-girly ways can really get in the way of the frills, i have dress mood swings though but comes very, very seldom. i normally dress in jeans, and of late, tights and shorts.
5. we will be heading southbound come christmas day. we will be celebrating at the enchanted kingdom (a theme park) in laguna with my son, my siblings and my fave cousin, dennis. i plan to take loads of photos and ride as many park rides as possible or at least the ones that will allow my 15 month old to ride safely. we will also watch fireworks display at night. this will be the first time in a long time that the family will be taking a trip like this so everyone is overly excited. i am ticking off my list of things to bring to enchanted kingdom while i write this.

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