pink friday: a pink bottlenose dolphin

for this week’s edition of pink friday, i decided to keep things interesting by employing the help of my good old friend, mr. google, and look what i just found – this lovely pink dolphin spotted swimming in the calcasieu lake in louisiana! very lovely right? it was noted that the mammal is actually an albino and is pink in all parts of the body, while its eyes are red…sounds more like a mythical creature, right? i really wish i could see it up close, or probably even just a regular dolphin for that matter.

here are some more photos of the pinky dolphin, enjoy!

am joining this meme with my other blog, too! (here’s my entry)

got any pinks stuff to share? do so by linking in this pink page + who knows you might just win yourself a pink prize too!
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meet me on monday 36th edition


1.  What are you wearing right now?
2.  Do you have any freckles?
3.  What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?
4.  What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
5.  Would you rather live without tv or without music?

My answers:

1. understand that i am just at home being lazy while looking after my son, right?okay i got that part out. now, to what i’m wearing: a well-worn v-neck peach shirt (i simply love shirts!) that i had since in high school + a white checked and flowered shorts, the long one that almost go down to my knees. keeps me comfy + cool in this crazy almost-summer weather. no, i am not a sloth, don’t even think that!

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2. nope, no freckles my type of skin aren’t susceptible to this kind of skin condition.

3. lifesaver? what was that anyway????

4. rpg metanoia on 3d last december with my son + sibs, here’s my post about it.

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5. i can last many days without tv but never a day without music or i’ll go crazy! plus i might be saying goodbye to tv entirely now that my son is growing up!

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pink friday: pink skirt

for this week’s pink friday, here’s a photo of me in my pink, checkered skirt when we went to the island paradise of coco beach many summers ago ( and many pounds ago!lol!). this was taken in our native, scenic cottage in the lovely, fit-for-a-princess bed. 
 this one’s taken later that day with my former teammates: tom + kate…
this last photo was with our mummy vikki…i terribly miss her + her lovely british accent.
i simply had a blast during our two-day stay in coco beach and visiting there any time soon is something i’d really love to do, especially now that summer is just around the corner….
got any pink stuff to share?join us and pinkify your friday (err in my case, my sunday since this is a late posting!)
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