gt: lovefool

before anything else, i would just like to mention that i was struggling to write about this month’s gt topics and was contemplating on skipping the last ones altogether. but this cutie of a badge changed my mind. i want to feature it on my blog so i just have to write about this. haha! kudos to sis kaye for another job well done!
now on with the topic at hand: what we’re willing to do (for love)

love fool, yes i am, hands down. and most of my friends will agree. most of them are baffled with my decisions on love (details of which i’d rather not discuss here) and would all concede that “pde na natin ipagpatayo ng monumento si vix”, to which i do not have a counter-argument. i guess it would all boil down to the well-worn adage (or is it excuse?) “nagmahal lang kasi ako”. and i think that’s what really happens. i fell in love for the first time (of course, the love i felt for brandon boyd is not counted, what was i thinking?!) + was blown away. and you can list down all the things you would do for love + i might’ve done ’em all. i’ll just spare you with the gory details though. but yes, i must say, in more that half a decade that i was in love, i have done quite a number of things for the sake of love.what else i can do for it remains to be seen..

love like it’s the first time…love like you’ve never been hurt..after all, you’ve never fully lived until you truly learned how to love…

gaah, i’m so relieved that the love topics are over (it’s making my teeth ache!),  now on with the ones for march, please…

join us for a cupful of girl conversations, simply click on that lovely badge for more details…

nice chattin’ with you, til next time!

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Saturday 9: Monday, Monday

1. How does your day usually go on Monday? mostly it is very laid back because we normally just stay at home on mondays, but other times it’s hectic since we have to wake up early and i have to finish some chores (e.g. washing feeding bottles, etc) before leaving the house.

2. Who was the last band you saw live? if my memory serves me right, it has to be either lifehouse or vertical horizon

3. When was the last time you purchased something over $50? 2 weeks ago

4. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not if i am talking to someone very close or familiar to me

5. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? i’ll never want to be anywhere else.

6. Tell us about the last wedding that you attended. it was eons ago when i last attended a wedding, it was a garden wedding of my office mate

7. What’s annoying you right now? my son’s nasty colds, i wish i can just shoo it away!

8. What is your best skill/ability? Why?i guess it has to be my speed typing skill, i can type 45 words per minute the last time i checked.

9. If someone asked a friend of yours, “Hey, what is one thing your friend is exceptional at?”, what would they say about you? Why? probably my friend would boast about me being a green mama, i strive to be organic + would love to use all-natural products if it was ever possible, so there..

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friday fill-ins 2011.08

 1. Ooooh, I just love the feel of waking up in the morning, snuggled in my baby’s warm embrace.

2. it’s way too cold in the morning again, I can’t stand it!

3. How the heck did I end up with so many backlogs in my blog.

4. Puerto Galera is one of my favorite places to visit.

5. I’m not a sloth, I’m not!

6. if a lot of people are going crazy over online jobs, it has to be good.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to turning in early as i need to catch up on those zzzzz, tomorrow my plans include having a trip to the grocers to buy milk for my son and Sunday, I want to be lazy and do nothing (but blog maybe)!

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