on the second day of christmas

…mum got me a new blanket with pictures of cars in it, she knows that cars are one of the things that i love the most! we have yet to use my new blakie though, as mum need to wash it first. she also needs to wash the bed sheet that she bought along with the blanket. they are both in my favorite color: blue 🙂

although i do not really use a blanket, since i seldom feel cold, mum knows that i will totally enjoy looking at the car pictures on my new one. hopefully she will get me a matching bedding, soon, too, cause the one she bought is just in plain blue color design!it will sure make napping + sleeping time very much enjoyable 🙂 mum said she will check out this site called the white company + to see if they’ve got one with cars on them from their wide selection of bedding . i hope they do 🙂

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my toy car, woody

toys, play, kids, toy stories, carsi didn’t think i’ve shared one of my very first toy cars with you, meet woody! he is one of the first few cars dad ever bought me. he’s got it from one of the gasoline station that had a promo of these toys last year, i guess. what’s so cool about him is that he can run fast + very far + all i need to do is push him a little backwards + he’ll go zooming on his own.

it took me quite a while to learn how to play with him, of course, i had to ask my mum most of the time to do it for me. but after a while, i got the hang of it + managed to do it on my own.

toys, play, kids, toy stories, cars

i had loads of fun playing with woody + running after him, too! mum also played with us whenever she can.

got any toy stories to tell? do share it with us at:

Shopping Bag

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kids in doodles: jared + the computer

kids, play, computers

today i will tell you a bit about one of my favorite things – our computer. i don’t watch in the tellie that often, but i get to watch my favorite pocoyo episodes or favorite videos and movies through the computer (i guess it actually helps that the pc is located in my room, so i get to use it very often).

mum is also using the computer a lot, especially when she’s checking her facebook account or updating our blogs (of course this blog included, i ask her to update it for me, since i am still quite a tad smaller to update it on my own) or joining online games and giveaway and whatever else she has to do online.

computer, kids, play

sometimes i can get so naughty and bug her while she’s working, most often i’d be sitting right next to the cpu, pushing buttons here + there (yes, i have accidentally + sometimes deliberately pushed the power button a number of times, too!) or twiddling with the keyboard + pressing on the sleep button much to my mum’s amusement/exasperation/surprise!

sometimes, i get some scolding but more often that not, i get away with it! my mum would either end up turning the pc or turning it back on again + let me watch my favorite film, which happens to be cars + the incredibles at the moment 😉

got any kids-in-doodles stories you’d like to share today? 😉

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