I just recently discovered the awesome + colorful world of Peanuts thanks to the Snoopy and Charlie Brown The Peanut Movie which I have seen a couple dozen times already! I fell in love with Charlie Brown’s colorful world + his awesome friends. It was good that they also launched Happy Meal Peanuts toys in time for the film + even when I was not able to collect all the toys, I am very happy with those that we got in our collection {although if you will be kind enough to send us the Schoeder + Sally toys, it will be most appreciated ^_^}. I will share my Peantus happy Meal Toys
A few days back mum showed me this cool Peanutize Me website, where you can turn yourself into one of those cool Peanuts characters. I chose among the many different options and this is what the Peanut version of me looks like! I love wearing shades + watch so I included that in my Peanut self. I thought he was cool, what do you think? This Peanutize photos can be downloaded as profile picture or a wall paper. We downloaded the profile photo version so we can easily share it here.

Mum also did a peanutized version of herself, what do you think?
Did you make a Peanut version of yourself, too? I wonder how you looked like.