Jared Discovers: This Cool Germ Video

This video talks of the time back when cholera became an epidemic and many people got inflicted + died because of the disease. A child shared the many effective ways on how the people in his village can fight off cholera for good.

It was actually mum who stumbled upon this interesting video on Facebook {am not allowed to use it yet} and bookmarked it so she can show it to me. She thought I would like the illustration + I did! I also find this very educational +, like the people featured on the video, life-changing.

We may not be threatened by cholera today, but there are still many diseases that can be prevented by washing our hands before we eat and keeping proper hygiene.

Check out the video for yourself + I hope you learn something from it. Have a good one!

Disclaimer: Mum wrote this post {of course} but I came up with that title. Isn’t it cool? 😉

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how to prevent nail infections in children

grown up stuff, tips + tricks, children's health

There are just one too many things for mum to worry about now that I am starting big school this year. Aside from preparing my school stuff, my uniforms + my new shoes before the school year finally opens, am sure she has added a few dozen more items on her worry list. + I am guessing she has also added stuff like whether I would fair well in school, or if I will make new friends or actually learn in class.
I am also certain that one of the things mum worries about is my health, especially that the school year opens almost the same time rainy season starts in our country and there are just way too many ailments + diseases that comes during the rainy weather.
Apart from flu, colds and cough, one of the nasty sickness rainy weather brings is fungal infection of the nail.  commonly known medically as onychomycosis, fungal nail infection is considered as one of the most common nail disease. It may also affect fingernails, but it is the toenails that are most commonly infected. 
Why Children Get Nail Fungal Infection
The most common cause of fungal infection of the toenails is moisture in the feet. Since children are more prone to having their shoes and feet wet during the rainy school days, it is no wonder why a number of children suffer with this ailment during this season.
Another factor that may cause a fungus to thrive in fingernails and toenails are when there are cracks in them where the fungus can enter. This is most common when children bite their nails.
The common symptoms of nail fungal infection is red + swollen fingernails + toenails. There might also be a presence of pus or tenderness in the infected area. The infection can also cause for the nail to thicken + change in color.

Easy Ways To Prevent Nail Infections

Fortunately, there are also easy way to prevent nail infections in children, + adult, too. Here are a few of those:
  1. Ensure your children’s feet are clean all the time by washing them daily.
  2. After every wash, make sure to dry out their feet completely, especially those groves between their toes.
  3. Make it a habit to wear fresh clean socks and shoes all the time. Cotton socks are also most advisable.
  4. When children tend to have wet feet, use a kid-friendly sulfur powder to keep the moisture at bay.
  5. When their shoes soak, make sure to air them out and dry them out completely before letting your little ones use them again.
  6. When infection occurs, you may try home remedies, like vinegar or baking soda solution and soak your tot’s feet. But to be on the safe side, it is best not to self-medicate and consult your doctor before trying out any remedies.
  7. There are also many safe nail fungus treatments available in the market today that you can try. Just make sure to check with pediatrician, especially if your children have known skin allergies.
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how to prevent obesity in children

grown up stuff, how to prevent obesity in children, children's health, children

According to Wikipedia, obesity in children is a condition wherein the excessive body fat affects the child’s health + well-being in a negative way. The rate of obesity in children has alarmingly increased in the past few years worldwide + if left unchecked, it may lead to serious emotional + psychological problems + life-threatening ailments + diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes + cancer, as well as other other serious conditions like eating disorders + liver diseases. 

We all ought to put stock on our health + well-being + must take it upon ourselves to be healthy all the time. Battling obesity in children is no simple matter to deal with, but here are a few ways on how you can prevent it:

  • • avoid sugary drinks ~ as their name suggests, these drinks are high in sugar + best to be avoided. For children, it is most ideal to opt for water + natural unsweetened juices each time you drink.
  • • steer clear of fast food ~ fast food treats are often laden with oil, salt + sugar, that it will be best to avoid them as much as possible. It is probably okay to give in a couple of times a week, but make sure to limit your fast food visits.
  • • say goodbye to those unhealthy snack items ~ if you want to prevent obesity from harming your children, it will be best to instill in them a good eating habit, starting with healthy snack items. Instead of stocking up on chips + sweets, offer fresh fruits + vegetables during snack time. Create charming bento meals out of them + am sure even the pickiest of eater will like it!
  • • limit TV time ~ living a very inactive life is one surefire way to get those unwanted pounds, so make sure you limit your little one’s time in front of the telly. It is also ideal to not allow them to sit in front of the TV for longer periods of time. You can suggest that they play outside, read a book, explore the outdoors, ride a bike, go for a swim or go on a jog together, in between.
  • • get enough sleep ~ younger children nowadays do stay up very late in the evening trying to mimic the ways of the adults, but getting less sleep is also a sure way to get those pounds that it is best to train them to sleep early to get just the adequate amount of sleep their growing bodies need.
  • • have a healthy diet ~ it might be difficult to put any growing child on a diet but if it is something that his pedia recommends, it is best for parents + children to abide by it. The key is to have a very balanced meal every single time. Avoid fried, fatty + processed food and opt for fresh greens + veggies. If all else fails, good thing parents can now also consider other types of diet that might be beneficial to their children. You may also want to explore other ways to lose weight, like considering www.hcgdropsexplained.com, for example, but it is best to consult with medical practitioners when starting any type of diets or weight loss solutions, as they have the most ideal recommendations, as well as give you invaluable inputs + suggestions.
  • • be up on your feet ~ nothing works better at melting those fats than being up on your feet + moving around. This summer, instead of lying in the couch for hours on end, enroll your little ones to sports clinics + summer classes, so they will be sure to be up on their toes even when they take a break from school. Sports is one perfect form of exercise + a great way to stay fit + healthy, the children can also learn independence, self-reliance + discipline. As a bonus, they can also gain new friends! :Aerobics:

image is freedigitalphotos.net

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