Mum is a huge fan of Googly Gooeys and she often checks their page for cool updates. A few months ago, mum won a book from their giveaway and recently she got me this cool illustration, too! I thought he looks like me. This was modeled after my photo taken a few months back when we went to see Lightning McQueen at SM North The Block. What do you think, do they look the same? 🙂
Drawing is one of mum’s frustrations + if she would be given the chance she would love to enroll me in a drawing or sketching class so I can be good at the craft. Did you know she also dreams of me being an illustrator when I grow up? Let’s see if it is something I would like to pursue when I am much bigger. For now, enjoy this cool drawing.
Thank you so much, Googly Gooeys for this! If you also love art, you might want to check the Googly Gooey website for awesome articles, giveaways, + their workshop schedules. Don’t forget to follow their Instagram + Facebook pages for creative inspiration + for cool + fun updates on their little man, Riley! 🙂