mum got me this cool alphabet boards as a gift last Christmas. i love them because i love learning about the alphabet. mum taught me my abc’s before i even turned three + i was able to learn them quite easily. i was also able to read each of the letters everywhere i see them. to say that mum was delighted was actually an understatement! 😀
going back to this alphabet toy, i love then because we can play with them in so many ways. i can use it to help me recite + read the letters  +  memorize the alphabet in proper order, too. they also double as an alphabet puzzle + finding the board that matches the letters + sorting them out is really quite a fun game to play. plus, they also teach me about various animals beginning with different letters, too! 🙂
mum enjoys buying me these educational toys + i have no complaints. i really enjoy playing with them + learning in the process, too! 🙂
what are your doodle stories for this week? share it with us + hop on to our other playmates to make this more fun. don’t forget to add one of my badges on your posts, right? i shall wait for your doodles then! 🙂