kids r kool giveaway {07.31}

giveaways, announcement, kids

Hosted by:Tyrneathem and Java John Z’s

Sponsored By: Real Kids Shades, FunBites, KidKnows Thermometers, YumEarth, and Lionsgate Entertainment

here’s another giveaway especially for the cool kids like us! 5 lucky winners will get to win these awesome prizes. read on for the details + do not forget to join using the entry form towards the end of this post. good luck + have a rainy yet happy monday! 🙂

time to spoil the kids and let them know we think they’re pretty cool. Five fun little prize packages await the lucky little kid in your life! Learn more about each item by clicking on the links to read Tyrneathem’s reviews.

giveaways, announcement, kids

Package One (ARV up to $50)

Real Kids Shades ~ Winner’s Choice of 1 Pair
Kidknows Thermometer


Package Two (ARV $40)

Disney’s Cars Pancake Molds
Imagine With Barney DVD
Kidknows Thermometer

Package Three (ARV $36)

FunBites Food Cutter ~ Winner’s Choice of Design
Angelina Ballerina: Mousical Musicals DVD
Kidknows Thermometer

Package Four (ARV $31)

YumEarth Organics Lollipops
Imagine With Barney DVD
Kidknows Thermometer

Package Five (ARV $24)

Angelina Ballerina : Mousical Musicals DVD
Kidknows Thermometer

Five lucky winners will each receive one of the five fun prize packages above!

Giveaway runs from July 15 to July 31. All entries are optional, but more entries means greater odds. All entries will be verified. Please read terms on entry form before entering.

Good Luck!

Disclosure: I have not received any compensation for the post above. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services mentioned. The host may have received compensation or applied affiliate links. Participating bloggers are not responsible for the awarding of the prize. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, or any other social media network.

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kids r kool mini giveaway event sign up

announcement, giveaways

inviting all bloggers to sign for this event oganized by: Tyrneathem

event details:

get 2 free links {facebook + twitter} for participating bloggers. sign up closes on 12 july. creating an announcement post is not necessary, but greatly appreciated. you can grab the html here.

giveaway details:

giveaway runs from 15-31 july, 2013

prizes include: real kids shades, funbites, angelina ballerina: mousical medleys dvd, barney: imagine with barney dvd + kidknows thermometers

if you have an appropriate sponsor (kid-themed items) and would like to be a part of this event, please contact me at tyrneathem at gmail dot com. contributors will get a co-host link in the giveaway post and may add an additional link of their choice to the rafflecopter widget. 

Click Here To Sign Up!

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apple iPod nano 16gb slate (7th generation) event sign-up


announcement, giveaways

join this awesome giveaway sign-up now!

about the giveaway:
  1. giveaway happens on 08-29  july, 2013 
  2. we are giving away an apple iPod nano 16gb slate (7th generation) 
  3. the winner gets to choose from any of the available colors and add free engraving, too!

sign-up details:

  1. first 50 bloggers to sign up gets a free link of either twitter or pinterest with announcement post
  2. pay $5 to waive the annoucement post
  3. if you have no time to create your own, get your announcement post here
  4. extra links are also available for $3 each
  5. co-host spots are also available for $10
  6. co-hosts get 2 host pages + 10 links on the rafflecopter widget, with no announcement post
  7. send payment to as a gift
  8. maximum of 200 bloggers are expected to sign up in this massive giveaway
  9. each co-host will have his or her own rafflecopter widget with links so the rafflecopter will not be as long as in other giveaways
  10. it is mandatory to join this group on facebook,

for questions, please email the giveaway host at

sign up here

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