Street lights have played a very important role in our daily lives. They make traversing the otherwise deserted streets at night easier, safer and more convenient. In recent years, people’s environmental consciousness has tremendously improved paving the way for people to realize the importance of going green and always choosing greener and more earth-friendly alternatives. This is also the reason why people prefer using greener energy in daily living. One of these options is LED street lights and Makeledlight gives a details discussion about these type of lights.
LED street lights are more cost-effective as they consume less electricity and give a more directional light, thereby lessening light pollution. Each LED street light uses different LED and optic configurations to provide excellent road coverage and high uniformity. This is one of the primary reasons why more and more manufacturers in the world are making these type of lights with LED street lights UK being a few of the most popular ones.
Light Emitting Diode lights, also known as LEDs, commonly used for flickering indicators on machines, vehicle headlights, industrial lighting and streetlights, has the following outstanding benefits:
- • Concentrates the light onto the road and footway where it is needed, with less light pollution into homes and gardens.
- • Eliminates the use of hazardous materials contained in sodium vapor lamps.
- • Directs the light downward onto the roadway reducing the amount of light that is directed into driver’s eyes or the glare. LED lighting could mean safer roads across the country as streets can be lit up brighter at a lower cost, making pedestrians more easily spotted by drivers at night.
- • Produces more light for the amount of energy used than traditional incandescent bulbs, with less energy lost as heat.
- • LED lighting also minimizes maintenance and re-lamping with its expected average life of 60,000 hours.
Philips and GE are the leading LED manufacturers in the world. Along with them, there are also a number of manufacturers in the UK that opt to make these environment-friendly lights, including the following:
- • Gemma Lighting Ltd ~ an innovative, energy conscious and environmentally friendly LED street light manufacturer.
- • The City of Ann Arbor (MI) ~ has been running a pilot project to try out LED street lights in one of the first such installations in the country.
- • LED Roadway Lighting Ltd. (LRL) ~ which selected Sony UK to manufacture lighting fixtures to meet the demands of the rapidly expanding UK and European market.
- • Hilclare Lighting ~ manufactures and supply luminaires and lighting solutions for business and the public sector.
- • Fisher & Company ~ manufactures belisha beacons. feeder pillars, enclosures, column brackets and a host of accessories and other related equipment to the street lighting industry.
- • SWARCO~ is world leader in the development and production of LED-based traffic signal heads, once more demonstrates its pioneering approach and innovative capability.
It is good to note that many manufacturers from the UK can now provide high-quality LED light products and more and more people are opting to purchase LED street light UK. It is also good to know that modern technology can now be a vital key in making sure we take the necessary steps to help make the environment cleaner and safer.
image is from freedigitalphotos.net