look who just turned 17 months

time does fly by too quickly when one’s having fun, little did i know, another month went by and my not-so-little-anymore love is turning another month older. he is now officially 17 months beginning sunday last.

this month he:

  • has two new teeth erupting (maybe that’s what’s making him fuzzy and fidgety at night) and is discovering the beauty of oral hygiene and brushing (which i have to make a separate post on). those make his teeth 10 in total.
  • is now 14 kilos heavy
  • has devised this fun play between him and mum, with him hiding behind mum and mum pretending to be looking for him everywhere + then he will pop from behind and erupt into giggles and laughters (really fun stuff, you should try it at home)
  • is loving pasta!
  • walks like a rabid and will roam the entire house in a minute if left alone
  • throws his clogs out the door as if telling mum “let’s go out”
  • enjoys his other new game – going up and down the bed and calling his clueless mum when he is on top of the bed
  • is still babbing endlessly and from the looks of it we will be expecting new words from him soon
  • discovers the joy of eating nuts!
  • is using more and more strange toys for play (to date he’s played with mum’s cds, the plug protectors – which i will write about next, keys, the empty cotton buds bin)
  • will be going to his pedia for his hepa A second shot

happy 17th month son, and here’s to more celebrations and a lifelong journey of  awe, wonder and being-down-on-my-knees-for-having-you-as-a-child moments! mum loves you to bits, from the ends of your curly black hair, down to the tips of your chubby little toes!

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jared is 16 months!

calling mum on his mobile phone?
i simply can’t believe how time flew by so quickly, and i always marvel whenever i look at my son, in all his 16-month, 13-kilos-or-so, gooey, giggling and endearing glory. he grew up too quick i wanted to wish the time backwards to when he is just a tiny, little bundle in my arm.
he simply can’t stay put in one place…here with tita amy + ate ec
at 16 months, my jared can now:
  • make gestures with his fingers as if counting them
  • can actually count his fingers, but every bit is just “two”
  • point to mickey mouse behind our door when you ask him to
  • climb up and down our bed on his own
  • recognize the sound of fireworks and appreciates the pyrotechnic display
  • brush his hair whenever i give him his hair brush
  • point to the letters on his brainy baby board books while we sing “abc” to him
  • walk with a very steady gait
  • hold a crayon in his right hand and started making a big coloring book out of our room
  • appreciate his puzzle pieces but instead of putting them together he “shoots” it to his bucket instead
  • show emotions like frustration when he can’t work out his toys and boredom when he watches a video over and over
  • express his worry by looking at mummy when something goes wrong or alarms him 
  • out and about in moa
this year i expect we will be learning more and doing more fun stuff to enhance jared’s skills and abilities. i’d love to introduce him to coloring books and stickers, maybe we can go out more often and visit a park (maybe the one in the provincial capitol will do just fine). i am still on the lookout for swimming classes nearby so i can enroll him (and myself while i’m at it!lol!). 
i just can’t wait to have more conversations with my son too! and yes we will be going back to reading and cutting back on viewing time! so my apologies to pocoyo and barney if we will be seeing less of you, i have a growing baby to raise to meet his full potentials:)
note: pardon me if this post is several weeks delayed
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jared’s first cinema experience

we did something new for jared’s 16-month birthday celebration last december 30. we trooped to sm mall of asia to watch a movie!
this is another feather in jared‘s little cap as, aside from setting foot in moa for the first time (cause that one instance when he is still in my tummy is surely not counted, right?), he will be watching in the widescreen for the first time! 
knowing full well that my son will of course have the attention span of a 16-month old, i am expecting that he will only enjoy the movie without fussing for a good 30 minutes (or just as long as a pocoyo episode lasts!) and true enough, after being glued to the widescreen (and focusing on the film like he’s a grown up!) for a solid 30 minutes, it is time to fidget and fuss on mummy’s lap, and worse cry and turn it into a full-blown tantrum. 
so i had to get up and roam the cinema (like it’s a park or something) with jared in tow, in the middle of the film’s good parts, which i just had to visualize and watch audibly (however that is possible is a task only toddler mummies can master!). i brought him to the loo just for a change of scenery and he giggled having spotted himself in the mirror!
thank heavens for little mercy, i was able to watch the final parts of the film when my son conceded to being carried by his tito in the condition that i will be on standby for when he wants me to carry him back. we were able to see the ending of the 3d film standing just before the balcony part of the cinema, where my son deemed it entertaining for us adults to saunter back and forth with him in our arms. 
all in all, it was a worthwhile and interesting experience and i look forward to watching more films with my baby in the future.
tips for mummies bringing their babies for the first time in cinemas:
  • choose a film that would best catch your son’s attention
  • bring him to a surround-sound cinema just to be sure the sounds will still be pleasant to his little, sensitive ears especially in those parts where the sounds tend to be too loud
  • be prepared to not see the film in its entirety
  • make sure to tag along a favorite tita (aunt) or tito (uncle) to assist you
  • choose a seat near to the exit are for 
have you began training your future movie buff?
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