kids in doodles: first remote control car ride


time again for kids in doodles + for this week am sharing you a video of my very first ride in one of those Β remote control cars in the mall. mum + tita cel both did not want me to ride at first telling me they are only for bigger kids, but i guess they cannot do anything about it since i went ahead + rode one, anyway! so mum had no choice but to strap me to the car seat with a seat belt + zoom I went πŸ™‚

i was enjoying the ride until i saw those bigger kids riding past me on motorcycles, i wanted so much to ride one of those! oh well, maybe when i am a bit bigger, i guess am going to have to settle for the remote control car for now!

i enjoyed the 30-minute ride anyway, steering and pretending i was driving the car, a bigger guy is actually controlling the car with a remote control in the side, but do not tell anyone, right? πŸ˜‰ i guess mum + tita enjoyed it, too, as while i was busy riding away, they were busy snapping photos + taking this video! πŸ˜€

your turn to share your doodles with us. check out the other cute badges here. do not forget to visit the other participants, too! have a swell tuesday! πŸ™‚

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kids in doodles: sailor man jared

Jared's Little Corner

kids in doodles, out + about,

last tuesday, mum + i, with mum’s friend, titadivine, went to the mv logos hope.Β it was a huge ship that has loads + loads of books in it. it was my first time to see an actual ship + board it + boy do i had a great time! mum even let me walk up the plank that leads to the ship, how cool is that? πŸ˜€

kids in doodles, out + about
buttons, buttons + more buttons! πŸ˜€

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kids in doodles: one of my doodles

kids in doodles, kids, doodles, children art

i am not much into doodling lately, more often that not, you’d find me tinkering with my toy cars or any other toys that is my favorite at the moment, but when inspiration strikes + i went doodling, mum would be quick to take a snapshot of it + keep it. she said she’d make a scrapbook out of all my doodles or, who know, maybe she’d line them up on our walls πŸ™‚

here is one my doodles, i think i made this late last year with my colored pens. i did this in one of mum’s blank notebook which i would normally get from our drawers to play with. i know it wasn’t much, but hopefully i’d master the art of doodling very soon + will come up with more interesting ones πŸ˜‰

share your Β kids in doodles stories with us + don’t forget to hop on to other participants, too!

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