Education: The Main Issues School Psychologists Face

Long gone are the days when school psychologists at most had to do IQ and reading level tests and offer the occasional counseling session.

The breakdown of the family across society multiplies the odds children will experience emotional, learning, and social problems. That alone would increase the demand for school psychologist’s services. Yet school districts are cutting funding for services, resulting in more kids assigned to each psychologist. Technology hasn’t automated much of their jobs, and school psychologists rarely have access to them.

Unfortunately, bureaucracy has proliferated. This loads psychologists down with IEP tests and paperwork instead of dealing with at-risk students, though psychologists are expected to serve on the front lines of violence, bullying, and suicide preventing. They’re expected to do more with less, all while teaching cyber etiquette and dealing with the aftermath of cyber-bullying. A larger proportion of students suffer from learning disabilities and take medications, while a diverse society brings more conflict and confusion in and of itself.

WPS Publishing has released an infographic that outlines these and other challenges school psychologists face. For more information, click here.

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The Benefits Of Music On Child Development

early learning, kids, summer, learning, music

Music has always been incorporated in children education and for all the good reasons. Parents and child expert have deemed music to play an essential role in children’s development. Exposing a child to music early on in life as much as possible is also recommended as music is proven to soothe babies with colic or sleep issues, as well as aid in child early learning and development.

Here are a few reasons why you should expose your children to music:

  1. It helps the baby relax and get better sleep
  2. Nursery rhymes and action songs aid in a child’s coordination and motor skills
  3. It facilitates words and vocabulary learning
  4. It improves a child’s social skills
  5. Tests show that having a child learn to play an instrument will also result to improve performance in Math
  6. Learning to play a music instrument or leaning to sing using a sennheiser md421 will contribute to a child’s feeling of accomplishment and self-worth
  7. It also allows for special bonding time with parents and other family members
  8. Learning new action songs is always a fun idea!
  9. It is an awesome hobby
  10. Learning to play an instrument will also open doors of opportunities for a child later in life

early learning, kids, summer, learning, music

If you do not have thought of any fun ideas for your little one to enjoy this summer, you might as well consider enrolling them to a music class or getting them a musical instrument they can learn to play at home. I am sure they will find it a very interesting thing to do to pass the time.

second image via Pixabay

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4 Tips for Learning Chinese

learning, grown up stuff, tips + tricks

Do you dream of speaking fluent Chinese? Your fantasies can become reality a lot easier than you’d think. Here are just four tips for learning the Chinese language.

Use Mnemonic Devices

Instead of trying to remember lines and stroke orders for Chinese characters, take each one as its own separate picture. Create a story about it that connects it to its definition. For example, the character for “love” might be interpreted as a beating heart with multiple veins.

Enroll in Full Immersion Classes

Both you and your children can learn a lot from full immersion classes. Without the distractions of other languages, you’ll be free to both understand and appreciate the full complexities of Chinese. Click here to learn more about total immersion schools.

Group Vocabulary by Subject

Don’t try to learn words at random. Find something that interests you, like tea, nature or photography, and learn all the language that accompanies it. If you like sports, for example, you might learn the Chinese words for “ball,” “athlete” and “endurance.”

Practice, Practice, Practice

You’ll never become fluent if you only study once a week. Make it a point of reviewing your Chinese every single day, and don’t let a morning pass without adding at least one new word to your vocabulary. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to language absorption.

Whether you’re traveling to Shanghai or just looking to understand wuxia without subtitles, these are four simple tips for learning and retaining the Chinese language. Good luck!

Jared Quips

Learn a new language and get a new soul. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It must be really cool to learn another language. Chinese will prove to be a very practical one to learn as a lot of people speak this language, but I bet mum would really be thrilled if ever I decide to learn Frech or any of the Romance languages in the future.

What language would you like to learn soon?

image is by Stuart Miles from

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